Listen To Mother – Winning Advice From An Oscar Winner

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

Listen to Mother” is something many of us heard while growing up, and it can still be winning advice, even for us adults.

Did you catch the words of wisdom from Oscar winner Tom Hooper at the Academy Awards telecast?   He told of how, in 2007, his “mum” went to the reading of a then-unproduced play called The King’s Speech, then quickly phoned him to predict that she thought she had “found” his next film.  Sure enough, she had.  Tom followed her winning advice and — lo and behold — won the Best Director honors, thereby upholding the moral that one should “Listen to mother.”

As longtime head of the PCH Prize Patrol, I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve heard that sentiment expressed by prize winners of the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes.  I’d hand the recipient a Big Check – worth anywhere from thousands to millions of dollars, and he or she would say: “You know my mother always entered your sweepstakes and advised me to do the same.  She figured: Somebody has got to win; why not me?  So I never gave up!  And now … [sob, sob].”

Sometimes prize winners tell me that their grandmothers entered too.  That’s not surprising since we launched our sweepstakes way back in 1967!  The purpose of the contest then was to draw public attention to our “unbeatable” magazine subscription values.  Forty-eight years later that purpose hasn’t changed – except nowadays we also offer a huge variety of quality merchandise deals, and our customers can shop online as well as by trusty mailed bulletins.

So listen to mother – or grandmother – or ME (I’m a grandfather):  ENTER the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes.  And do it every chance you get.  Many of our prize winners have been persistent, sending in sweepstakes entries year after year because they knew every entry was a new chance to win prizes.  With our growing network of PCH websites and the many ways you can play and win, you can enter the sweepstakes online every day.  As a result, more and more of our winners are winning with online entries.

Follow the winning advice of real prize winners!  Go to and ENTER the PCH Sweepstakes.

Good luck!

Dave Sayer

PCH Prize Patrol Ambassador