Probably every person on this planet could use a little personal finance advice. Being able to live comfortably – and with any luck, more than comfortably – is the American dream. So why wouldn’t we take a little advice if it could better our finances?
I’m not a financial advisor by any means, but I was looking up financial advice for myself and came across some basic but interesting techniques that I wasn’t previously applying:
List Out Your Debt: This way you get a clear picture on exactly how much you owe.
Pay More Than the Minimum on Your Credit Card: Paying just the minimum will only get you in an endless owed-interest loop.
Check Your Interest Rates: Look through all the things you pay interest on and pay the ones with the highest interest first, as they will pile up the fastest.
Well, I guess one out of three ain’t bad. I always pay more than the minimum on my credit cards, but I must admit that I really don’t keep organized records of my debt or interest rates (bad me!). What do you guys do? Any good tips to share?
If you don’t have any tips or tricks or personal finance advice to offer, don’t worry. The Internet is your friend and PCHSearch&Win is your BESTIE! I use it as my main search engine because it comes up with the best results, but you get the added benefit of getting entered to win MONEY!!! Not a bad idea when you’re searching on ways to improve your finances, right?
Entering PCH sweepstakes is probably the most fun personal finance advice I can offer you! I mean, it’s exciting, entertaining and FREE, so why not? Now would be an especially good time to search and enter to win because our current SuperPrize Event is $25,000.00 A Month For Life! Can you imagine? Monthly payments of $25 Grand would help blast your debt out of the water.
But that’s not the only prize in town. Why not enter to win $75,000.00 To Eliminate Your Debt? It couldn’t be more apropos! In fact, I personally recommend that you enter all PCH sweepstakes! The more the merrier, and who knows what you might win!
So, if you guys go over to PCHSearch&Win and look up some personal finance advice for yourselves, please share it with the rest of us. I’m sure we can all use a little extra help in that department!
Tina P.
Online Creative