Looking for Spider Solitaire Facts? Here are FIVE!

Last Updated: January 23, 2018

Do you play Spider Solitaire online? Pretty challenging, huh? It’s much more difficult than normal solitaire.

That’s why you should play for free at PCHgames. You can improve your score and your technique while you go for prizes! And here are a few Spider Solitaire facts that could help you on your next game while you’re there:

#1) Hail The King

In Spider Solitaire, Kings are highest and Aces are lowest. You need to build from the King down. Once you see where the King cards are, do what you can to free them up.

You’ll only be able to sequentially build on the King if no cards are before them. So when you play Spider Solitaire online with PCHgames, train your eyes to look for the King.

#2) Create Open Spaces

This might be the most important Spider Solitaire fact there is: the key to winning is creating open spaces in the tableau. You’ll be able to move any card, regardless of how many cards are built on it, onto an open space.

This is great for when you have a bunch of cards built, but one card blocking you from building more. That open space will allow you to manipulate your cards to continue building.

#3) The Undo Button Is Your Friend

The more room you clear out, the more moves you can make, which means you’re bound to make a move you otherwise wouldn’t have made.

Because you’ll be looking for cards of the same suit, you might have moved the right card but from the wrong stack. The undo button helps you right those mistakes.

#4) Take Your Time

A fun fact about Spider Solitaire: it’s known as the “king of patience games.” Why? Because there are always big moves hiding in plain sight.

You have to build cards of the same suit, so you might get lost. Breathe. Let your eyes search the whole board and find the next move before you think you can’t move anymore.

#5) Hurry Up!

Patience will help you find moves, but don’t take too long making those moves. This is a timed game. You only have a few minutes per game, and if you have as much fun as I do when playing Spider Solitaire, it’ll go by quick.

When the moves start opening up in front of you, don’t hesitate. You have to run all eight decks of cards to win, so don’t let time tick away!

Here are just some quick Spider Solitaire facts. The more you play, the more facts you’ll find out yourself. Head to PCHgames and play now! Not only can you play Spider Solitaire online for free, but also you’ll be entered to win $1,000,000 with your first game play!

Good luck!

Joe W
PCH Creative