Meet Christian: Behind The Scenes With One Of PCH’s Video Editors!

Hi everybody! I’m here to bring you our next installment of behind-the-scenes interviews with our PCH employees! It’s so exciting to be able to interview such fantastic and interesting people, and to be able to work alongside them is even more exciting! We love giving you readers a chance to learn more about the wonderful people that make PCH what it is! So, without further ado, please meet Christian, PCH’s video editor and producer!
What does your job entail here at PCH?
I am part of the video team here at PCH. I edit and produce winning moment videos, promotional clips, social media videos, as well as video segments for our weekly InsidePCH talk show.
What is your favorite part about working here?
I love seeing people win! When I look at the footage from the winning moments, or I get to be there in person, I just cannot stop smiling. Getting to share this moment of genuine joy and excitement with our winners is so rewarding.
What does a day in the life of Christian look like? (i.e. what do you do in the morning, what do you do at work, what do you do when you get home)
I am a morning person, so my day starts very early with a cup of coffee and local news. I live in Manhattan, so I use my commuting time to Jericho to catch up with friends and family back home in Europe. My days at work are very dynamic – there is always a video production in progress. Evenings are reserved for cooking, Jeopardy and resting.
What’s the best part of your day?
I love what I do, so I’d definitely say anything involving making video content.
We also know that you travel with the Prize Patrol from time to time to award prizes … so what is your favorite part about that?
The winning moment itself! You cannot imagine how wonderful of a feeling is to see someone’s dream come true right before you. I also love the adrenaline of field producing – most of the times I am there we stream LIVE, so you never know what would happen. I also love traveling in general, so I am always excited when I get to visit a part of US I haven’t been to yet.
What would you tell people that haven’t entered, or have entered, but haven’t won yet?
Keep playing! Keep entering! I see people winning every day!
And there you have it! Christian is a pretty cool guy and we’re so thrilled to have him as part of our team at PCH! Any questions you have for him? Write them in the comments below!
Dillon S.
Promotion Development