Last Updated: March 5, 2014

Publisher Clearing House Sweepstakes Prize Patrol Oklahoma

It is our pleasure to introduce you PCH Blog readers to our newest Million Dollar SuperPrize winner, James Walker of Newalla, Oklahoma.

The Prize Patrol arrived in nearby Oklahoma City on Thursday evening, February 27 to get ready for the Big SuperPrize the next day.  Everything went like clockwork on Friday morning – with the roses and balloons being picked up at 9 and our meeting the camera crew at 9:30.  But then things slowed down.  We found the winner’s home all right; but – typical of the rural area – there was a locked gate keeping us from the dirt drive to the house.

Todd and Dave en route to SuperPrize winner


Down the road a friendly neighbor came to our rescue.  He phoned the winner’s home, talked to Mrs. Walker (Sandy) and found that James wouldn’t be home from work until late afternoon.  Without identifying ourselves I jumped on the phone and explained that we had a flower delivery.  She said “Well OK:  just walk around the side of the gate and walk up to the house.”  So that’s what we did – and so surprised Sandy with the roses, balloons and the big cardboard Million Dollar prize certificate that she couldn’t stop shaking.  She summoned James home saying only that she needed to go to the doctor.  An hour later he arrived – where we were hiding and waiting to knock his socks off.  And did we ever!   Watching the winning moment here:


While James was not the most excited winner we ever surprised, he was very grateful.  He is a cancer survivor and, with Sandy, has a huge family of children and grandchildren with whom he wants to share some of his good fortune.  We encouraged him to treat himself too.

The Prize Patrol follows up with big winners a couple of days after the “winning moment” to see how they are doing.  Sandy has yet to catch up on her sleep.  James reports they have had countless phone calls of congratulations and lots of remarks like “Nobody ever wins in Oklahoma!”  Well, James has proven them wrong.  “It’s been an excellent experience and great joy for all of us” he says.  He knows too that it’s a good thing to enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes every chance you get – just as he did “every night.”

With lots of opportunities to “play & win” at PCH websites, YOU have as good a chance as James of being a PCH SuperPrize winner.  So don’t delay: go for it!

Wishing you the best of luck,


Dave Sayer
Prize Patrol Ambassador