Motivational Monday: It’s Never Too Late To Be What You Might Have Been

Let’s face it, PCH fans, Mondays can be rough! After two days filled with fun activities or relaxation, getting back to the daily grind is never easy. Ever wish that every day of your life could feel just like the weekend? Or maybe you’ve wished that you could take some time out from your busy schedule and become a world traveler? Well, fans, if you need some motivation and inspiration on this Monday morning, I am happy to tell you that I have some exciting news to share. There’s still time left to enter for the chance to win our exciting $5,000 A Week “FOREVER” prize! That’s $5,000 A Week for life, plus after that, $5,000 a week for the life of someone the winner chooses!
Can you imagine winning this incredible, life-changing prize? Think of ALL you would be able to do with the peace of mind of financial security. In fact, thinking about all the amazing things you could do with $5,000 A Week “FOREVER” reminds me of a quote from English novelist, poet and journalist, George Eliot. This famous writer once said, “it’s never too late to be what you might have been,” and I can’t even begin to tell you how true this is! It’s never too late to go after your hopes, dreams and aspirations!
Think back to all the things you’ve ever wanted to do in your life. Maybe you’ve wanted to travel the world. Maybe you’ve wanted to learn a new skill, buy a new home or even buy your dream car. The list goes on and on. All of this and more could be yours just by entering RIGHT NOW for a chance at our exciting award coming up in just days!
Remember, there’s still 2 days left to enter and did I mention that the prize is GUARANTEED to be awarded? Yep, that’s right! On February 23rd, the Prize Patrol will be on the road ready to award our next big winner with this life-changing prize.
So, don’t wait! Enter right now, in every way you can before the deadline and you can have a shot at becoming the next big winner! Remember, you have to be in it to win it!
Victoria P.
PCH Creative
P.S. WOW! Get double tokens in the PCHLotto App! Come back to the blog this afternoon and get the scoop!