Motivational Monday: Only You Can Predict Your Future!

Last Updated: August 6, 2019

Abraham Lincoln failed at his bid for Speaker in the Illinois House of Representatives and as a U.S. Senator. But it was this same failure that would fuel his ambition and drive to become elected the 16th president of the United States in 1860. He would eventually help to abolish slavery, changing history forever and shaping generations of lives.

He is often credited with saying: “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” This makes me believe he was a man with a vision who held onto his dreams and was persistent no matter what the odds. That’s not too much different from what you may have seen or read right here on the Motivational Monday blog before. We often talk about what it means to keep entering for a chance to change your life. It’s easy and free, so why not do it?

You’ve Got To Dream Big

It doesn’t cost you anything to dream bigger and better! Don’t let fear or worry stop you from thinking on a grand scale. And don’t let those naysayers tell you that you haven’t got a chance. Imagine or picture yourself as a millionaire and keep thinking positively, and a world of opportunities could open up that you never knew existed.

And we sure do have plenty of chances just waiting for you across all of our different properties! If you haven’t done so already, check out PCHgames to be entertained with super fun games while getting entries, and stacking up tokens that you can redeem for even more chances to win. Or use our powerful search engine on PCHSearch&Win and be entered to win the latest SuperPrize after you log on. You can play our scratch cards, too. The list goes on!

Make A Plan And Stick With It

Let’s face it. Most of us want to live a happy, successful life. But we don’t always do the work necessary to reach our goals. We lose interest, we procrastinate, or simply forget them. But anything worthwhile doesn’t come easy. And like Abraham Lincoln, who learned the humbling lessons that only failure can teach you, you’ve got to keep at it, no matter what, to reap the rewards. Determine to enter as often as you can … heck, you can even make it part of your daily routine!

Here’s another good reason to keep entering the PCH Sweepstakes. Our next big SuperPrize is a whopping $5,000.00 A Week For Life, and it’s guaranteed to be awarded on August 30th. You do NOT want to miss out on this chance to change your life in a MAJOR way.

I hope today’s Motivational Monday blog gave you some inspiration and drive to stay in it to win it. You never know, just keep at it and you could see the Prize Patrol pulling up to your home on August 30th!

Jane M.
PCH Creative