Myths of the PCH Prize Patrol Van

Last Updated: November 11, 2014

PCH Prize Patrol Van

Hi everyone, it’s me Danielle Lam with the PCH Prize Patrol Elite team. As I’m gearing up and getting ready for the next big prize event in just days, I wanted to take a moment to answer another commonly asked fan question. Around SuperPrize event time, I get SO many questions about the Prize Patrol van. Where does it come from? Is it powered by magical fairy dust? I’m about to debunk all the myths of the mysterious Prize Patrol Van!

Myth #1 – There is a Prize Patrol Van waiting in every state. False! Believe it or not, the Prize Patrol rents a van in the winner’s state when we arrive there. There aren’t Prize Patrol vans waiting in each state! So keep an eye out at your local rental car companies – you may just see the Prize Patrol there!

Myth #2 – The Van sign is a big magnet. False! While that would be a great idea, a big magnet could cause problems at airport security, so it’s actually a plastic sign that we tape onto the rental vans the day of the award! That information leads to another question – if the van sign is taped to one side of the van, do you have to get out the other side? YES but once in a while someone forgets and gets out on the van sign and breaks it! Good thing we have extras!

Myth #3 – The Prize Patrol van is fueled by magical fairy dust. False! While the luck of our winners is truly a magical experience, there’s nothing magical about what fuels the Prize Patrol vans!

Myth #4 – Only the guys on the Prize Patrol drive the van. False! Each of us takes a turn at driving the van. I choose to plead the 5th on who is the best driver though. 🙂

So there you have it…the TRUE story of the PCH Prize Patrol van! So keep an eye out because you may be seeing it in YOUR neighborhood, or even outside YOUR home soon!  If YOU saw the van outside YOUR house, what would you do?



Danielle Lam
PCH Prize Patrol Elite Team

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P.S.: With only 6 DAYS LEFT TO ENTER, there’s not a day to waste! ENTER NOW!


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