New! Where Are They Now with Inside PCH!

There I was, on assignment for Inside PCH, traveling the Atlantic Ocean to Connecticut for my first “Where Are They Now?” video interview with SuperPrize winner Penny Pompa! I get off the ship, and suddenly my GPS stopped working. Oh no! How was I going to find her house? Would I be late for the video shoot? I knew I should have packed a compass!
…but let me back up a minute and explain how this all happened!
I’m PCH Blog writer Matt Kelly, and one of my writing assignments consists of calling up our former winners for a fun and revealing interview. I’ve done this for the past few years and I can honestly say it’s one of the highlights of my job. I love hearing each of their stories, and how the money has helped to improve their lives!
Several months ago, Publishers Clearing House started preproduction on a live show called Inside PCH. You’ve probably heard of it! One of the segments was going to be on location video interviews with our winners, so they asked me for my input. Before I knew it, they asked me to handle the interviewing myself! This sounded like a lot of fun, so I jumped at the chance. It’s not every day to get to travel for your job! And like I said before, interviewing our winners was one of my favorite things already, so this seemed like a no-brainer!
I decided that for my first interview for Inside PCH, I’d make it an easy one. I had already chatted with Penny Pompa in the past, and Connecticut wasn’t too far from our headquarters in New York. I could make it a day trip!
I called up Penny and our video teams to make the arrangements, put her address into my phone and away I went! I was going to take a ferry to cross the distance between NY and CT, so my normal white-knuckle NYC area rush hour commute was going to be replaced by a serene white-capped voyage.

But when I got off the ferry, suddenly my GPS stopped working. I wasn’t sure where to go next! Luckily, I printed out the directions before leaving, and I used those until my GPS kicked back in. Crisis averted!
I arrived at Penny’s house with the film crew, and we went about our work. Penny was more than happy to chat with us, and it turned out great. You can watch the segment below!
In chatting with Penny, you could really see how her own personal faith inspired her to keep on going. It’s incredible how her inspiration keeps her going, even through her medical issues.
In chatting with her, I could see how much Penny’s winning moment really meant to her. You could see the relief on her face as she described the financial freedom she now felt. This was more than just some extra cash to give her family a more extravagant Christmas. This was a truly life-changing event that still impacts them to this day.
Penny went on to tell me how she and her husband stretched every cent of their SuperPrize to make the biggest impact on their lives. They were able to afford to move to a different house in their town, getting them into a much better spot financially. Then, she bought herself a Jeep that she could use to run errands and pick up her boys from sports practice. Having that extra vehicle around took a lot of stress out of their lives!
After we finished chatting, we wrapped up filming and then I grabbed the ferry back to New York after a quick lunch!
I had a fantastic time putting this all together for Inside PCH, and I hope you enjoyed it! I’ve been on several other trips like this all over the country, and I look forward to sharing them with you all soon! Keep watching this space!
Matt K.
PCH Creative
P.S. – If there are any other details you’d like to see from my trips to visit the winners, please let us know in the comments below!