PCH Big Check Co-Stars In Our Newest TV Commercials!

Hey, Blog Readers,
It’s me, your pal, Lucky Windfall, the PCH Big Check here with some big news! I am going to be on TV!
That’s right, your pal Lucky is one of the stars you’ll see in our next PCH TV Commercials – where we are announcing our new $1,000.00 A Day For Life Prize Event – enter right now and you’ll get in it to win it for $1,000.00 checks that would keep coming day after day, starting on October 25th.
Ooh my zeros are shaking just thinking about all of you fans seeing me on TV! Can you believe Mama Windfall had EVERYONE – even Clipper Coupon from the vault down the hall who she hasn’t spoken to in years – over to watch the pre-screening?!? She’s even more excited than I was when I heard that not only would Danielle, Howie and Todd be in the big commercials this time, but I was going to be on TV again with one of my favorite celebrities! And even though we’ve done commercials with him before, my corners just wouldn’t stop wobbling when we were on set! But this famous person (you can probably guess who it is!) is the nicest guy and kept on telling me I was doing great – he even took turns holding me, along with the rest of the Prize Patrol, to make sure I didn’t get too nervous! Take a look below and let me know how you think I did! You may not be able to tell because of the super-talented makeup artists (they had to re-touch my ink and curl my border at least 20 times!) but I could hardly keep my payline straight!
I’ve got my endorsement line crossed that you like the new commercials and that people see them and enter to win the big $1,000.00 A Day For Life giveaway! That’s why we make those commercials, after all – with the hope that people enter as often as they can, because we just love giving away those big SuperPrizes!
And speaking of, I’ve got so much to do between now and Prize Day so please, let me know what you think of the new commercials below – and keep on entering if you’d want to see me at your door on October 25th!
Good Luck,
Lucky Windfall
PCH Big Check
P.S. Just think – if you win the next SuperPrize, we could be starring in a commercial TOGETHER! So, don’t wait until you see me on TV – claim an entry now right at the top of this page! It could be the one that wins it!
P.P.S. If the matching number is not returned on time, $1,000,000.00 is guaranteed to be awarded to an alternate winner in a second chance drawing. So be sure to get your entries in before the deadline!