PCH Big Check Winning Moment — What A Way To Start The Day!

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

On Friday, March 1, Eric Schroeder was in his truck ready to leave his Houston, TX home for work when some activity on the street gave him pause.  “Hmmm,” he thought.  “Maybe I’d better wait a minute and see what’s happening here.”

The reason for his hesitation?  Well, it was about 8:00 in the morning – not a time when you’d expect to see a van pull up with balloons, roses and – what’s that big piece of cardboard?

Eric didn’t have to wait for more than a few seconds to realize what was happening.  A blue-blazered team recognizable as the PCH Prize Patrol approached him with a Big Check and promptly announced “Eric, you’re a winner in the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes!


A stunned Eric didn’t want to be late for work — employed as he was by a plumbing contractor whose watchword is “guaranteed punctuality.”  Still he was almost paralyzed in shock and needed to be coaxed out of his truck by the Prize Patrol – including Danielle Lam, cameraman Jay and yours truly, Dave Sayer.   On the ground but floating on air, Eric broke into giant smiles and with shaking hands accepted his Big Check for $10,000.00.  “I cannot believe this!” he repeated over and over. “I’m just floored … floored.” Now that’s a good way to start the day, don’t you think?

You can take a look at the exciting winning moment here:


Two phone calls were top priority for Eric: one to his wife – already at her job — to share the good news (she couldn’t believe it either!), and another to company headquarters to say he’d be on his way to work as soon as he caught his breath.


Eric is a great guy, and we are proud to have him join our huge and ever-growing family of Publishers Clearing House winners.



How would YOU like to join our family of winners?  Eric didn’t think it would happen to him, but it did – just like it can happen for you.  Of course, “to win it you’ve got to be in it.”  But that’s easy. You can enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes today and every day at pch.com. And while a $10,000.00 prize like Eric’s is mighty nice, you could win even more – like $1,000,000.00 or even $1,000,000.00 a year for life!


So don’t delay.  Enter today — and every day — and maybe you’ll start your day with a Big Check surprise!

Dave Sayer PCH

Dave Sayer

Prize Patrol Ambassador