It’s A PCH “Forever” Prize Warm Up With Lucky The Big Check!

Blog Readers! Blog Readers! Can you believe it’s happening already?!? Our next BIG, PCH “Forever” Prize Award is JUST ONE WEEK AWAY!
I am just so excited, I can’t relax my zeros! And I’ve been getting EVERYTHING ready… the gold on my seal has been touched up… my ink has been reapplied… I’ve even been lifting moneybags so my corners are extra strong. There’s just one thing left for me to do and that’s… TAKE A WARM UP LAP!
Yes, even a BIG CHECK like me, who’s been endorsed by winners across the country, has to get ready for the big day on February 23rd! I stretch my pay line, put on my running gear and practice that all-important dash to the door because the first impression I give on Prize Day could make or break a Winning Moment!
Just imagine, seeing me on TV, running with Danielle, huffing and puffing like I’ve never even lifted a penny… ohh that would be even more embarrassing than being seen bouncing out of an ATM machine (no matter how fun they are…)! And then, there’s the model-like turn I need to do just as we reveal the prize to the winner. It needs to be flawless! If I turn too fast and my ink runs, the Winner may not be able to read the prize amount and think we’re only there to award $500.00 instead of $5,000.00 A Week “FOREVER” … OR … if I turn too slow the Winner could go back inside before we get to reveal the news! Oh, the pressure is really on for your pal Lucky!
So I practice, and practice and practice some more! Run-Run-Turn; Run-Run-Turn… and now that I’ve gotten just a few minutes to take a break, I’d love to hear from YOU!
Give me a shout out in the comments section if you’d want to see me do my “Run and Turn” up to your door with the PCH “Forever” Prize on Award Day!
The “Forever” Prize pays out as $5,000.00 A Week for life for the winner plus, after that, $5,000.0 A Week for the lifetime of a chosen loved one and I could be delivering it to you NEXT FRIDAY!
Would you Jump… Cry… Laugh… or Dance… if I “Run and Turn” your way?
If you haven’t thought about it yet, you might want to take a “warm up lap” and imagine what it would be like to see me at your door and have your life changed “Forever” – otherwise you might not be prepared for what you’d do and say in that most amazing moment!
And speaking of being prepared… I’ve got to get back to practicing. So please, help me stay motivated by telling me below if you’re as excited about the “Forever” Prize as I am! I’ll be reading your comments during my next break and can’t wait to hear what you think!
Bye for now!
Lucky Windfall
The PCH Big Check
P.S. There are ONLY FOUR DAYS LEFT TO ENTER, so if you want to win it, make sure you’re in it and go to now (plus, you can enter right here on the blog by clicking the image in the top right hand corner!). Good luck!