The PCH Give Back Inside PCH Episode Is TODAY!

Hey Blog Readers,
I’m happy to report that the PCH Give Back is in full swing and today, your views of Inside PCH can help us reach our goal for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital®!
Over the past week or so, we’ve been doing our best to try to spread the word about The Give Back and, more importantly, we’ve been trying help spread awareness of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital® and how you can help support the fight against childhood cancer.
Hopefully by now, news of The Give Back has travelled far and wide, but if you haven’t seen it already, please take a look at this message from my colleague, George… he can tell you more!
As George mentioned, PCH is giving $100,000.00 to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital® as part of this year’s Give Back event. And to help increase awareness even more, we’re asking fans like you to watch, “like” and share the Inside PCH episode we’re airing today at 2 PM, ET on the PCH page on Facebook. For every viewer of Inside PCH today, we’ll increase our donation by $1.00 – up to $50,000.00 – to make our total donation to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital® an incredible $150,000.00 in all!
Now, with all the worthy causes out there and all the money PCH gives to charity, you may be wondering why we chose to donate to St. Jude during this year’s Give Back event. The answer is twofold really – and just like my fellow PCHer Natasha explains in her video, the first reason is because of fans like you! Take a look…
Just like Natasha said, we’ve put it to a vote time and again and hands down, fans like you have chosen St. Jude as your favorite charity. But there’s another reason… and that reason is all the good St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital® is doing for so many families. They give the world hope that a cure for childhood cancer is within reach, and Dillon from our promotions department explains in her video here:
The videos I’ve shared here are just three voices speaking for so many real PCHers, including myself, who are passionately supporting The Give Back and hoping that today, if even just for a few moments, you’ll tune in and help us make a real difference for such a worthwhile cause.
I will be watching Inside PCH today at 2 PM, ET. to support The PCH Give Back. I sure hope I’ll see you there, too.
Laurel U.
PCH Creative