PCH Goes Back to School to Award Lucky Big Cash Prize Winner!

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

One of the best perks for many PCH Prize Patrol teams is getting to surprise someone at work with a big cash prize award. However, my Prize Patrol partner Cristina and I have always had a knack for finding our winners at home on previous Prize Patrol journeys. Finally, on a drizzly day in Seattle, we learned that the last contest giveaway winner of our trip, Ms. Teresa Stout, would unknowingly change that streak. We knocked on her door and were greeted by her mom, who was thrilled for her daughter’s good fortune. “Teresa never misses an opportunity to enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes!” she said. “She’s won’t believe this! Let’s surprise her!” Cristina and I agreed it would make for an unforgettable winning moment, and our gracious hostess left behind the baseball game she was watching – with her beloved Mariners up 2-0 at the time – and guided us all the way to the Leschi Elementary School where Teresa works as a secretary in the main office.

Teresa Stout 1

Parading into the school with balloons, a bouquet of roses, champagne and of course the Big Check, we walked into the office to find our winner completely off guard. “Are you Teresa Stout?” we asked. “Yes,” she said, frozen with excitement. “Well, congratulations! You’re a Publishers Clearing House winner of a thousand dollars!” She jumped up and hugged her mom, thanking her for making this sweepstakes winning moment possible. For the faculty and students that witnessed the event, it was an occasion they’ll never forget, and the school principal insisted that it couldn’t have happened to a better person. For me, this was a truly touching Publishers Clearing House moment, being that my sister is a fourth grade teacher and my father and mother were also elementary school educators. I can only imagine the excitement they would have felt if a big cash prize came looking for them!

Teresa is just one of our amazing sweepstakes winner stories – you could be one, too! Click here to enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes online today, and you just might be in for the surprise of your life!

Wishing you lots of luck,

Brenna S.

Prize Patrol Deputy