PCH Monthly Calendar – New Sweepstakes & More For June!

Hi PCHers! It’s June, which means Summer is on its way! But Summer isn’t all that’s coming up … it’s also time for the PCH Monthly Calendar for June, featuring the “Win It All” SuperPrize event date on 6/30. That means on that fine Summer Friday, someone could possibly be the lucky winner of $2 Million at once, $10,000 A Month for Life and a new Lincoln MKZ valued at $36,095.00! What a way to enjoy the summer! So make sure you get those entries in!
Besides the incredible SuperPrize, PCH has plenty of other ways to keep you entertained this month! And your PCH monthly calendar for June is all ready for you, so you can refer to it every day and see what’s cookin’. Let’s go over it together, and please, as always, share your thoughts with us!
Week 1 – One Day Only!
No, for real … your week one calendar has only Saturday, June 3rd on it. But it’s still a productive day! In addition to your regular blog reading, PCHBlackjack is also offering a special 8X tokens for each play … 8X! Talk about efficient!
Week 2 – Happy Birthday!
Week 2 in June is very special. In addition to the usual weekly treats like PCHFrontpage’s Two for Tuesday and PCHlotto’s PowerPrize Wednesday, there are also specials from PCHslots, PCHBlackjack AND a super special from PCHSearch&Win ! On Tuesday, June 6th, PCHSearch&Win is giving 5 entries to win $50,000 towards a down payment on a new home! So definitely be sure to check your email or go directly to PCHSearch&Win to enter to win! That’s pretty special … I wonder if it’s because PCHSearch&Win’s 9th Birthday is on Friday, June 9th! Happy Birthday, Search&Win!
Week 3 – Lots and Lots of Tokens!
In Week 3, Tokens clearly reign! PCHslots is offering an awesome 10X Tokens for Each Play on Wednesday the 14th, and PCHBlackjack is joining the fun with 8X Tokens for Each Play on Saturday the 17th. But that’s not all. PCHGames is awarding $200 to the Top Scorer – spicing up Monday the 12th! Lots to do this week – and don’t forget the Blog!
Week 4 – Some Familiar Faces!
Getting further into the month, you can see that week 4 is keeping the momentum going by offering its own cool specials. PCHSlots and PCHBlackjack are going Token-happy and some familiar faces like PCHFrontpage and PCHlotto also have your back!
Week 5 – SuperPrize Day: $2 Million Plus More!
Week 5 – the week everyone has been waiting for … and for good reason! Tuesday, June 27th is the last day to enter to “Win It All” — $2 Million at once, $10,000 A Month for Life and a new Lincoln MKZ valued at $36,095.00! So make sure that by end of day on the 27th, you’ve entered as many times as possible and from as many places available to “Win It All”. Then on Friday, June 30th, someone will get a knock on their door and get the sweepstakes surprise of their life! Woo Hoo! I can’t wait!
So there you have it – June in a nutshell. It’s going to be a very exciting month, so be sure to check your PCH monthly calendar for June. And don’t forget to get those SuperPrize entries in before the deadline! So … what are you looking forward to the most? What’s your favorite “weekly usual?” Have you entered to “Win It All” yet? All your opinions matter, so please share them with me and with all the other PCHers out there! Have a great June!
Tina P.
Online Creative