Your PCH Schedule – New Sweepstakes For February

Hi, PCHers! It’s time for another monthly installment of Your PCH Schedule. This time we’ll be reviewing the New Sweepstakes For February. I hope you guys are finding this monthly recap to be helpful and informative. I want you to be aware of all the different sweepstakes that are going on and how to enter to win them! Feel free to chat, comment and give your opinions below. OK, here we go; there is A LOT to cover.
Week 1: Let’s Play Some Games
I know the first week in February doesn’t look very busy, but don’t worry. The next three weeks will make up for it. So why not ease into the month with some awesome blogs and fantastically fun, money-making games? Visit and take your pick of lots of great scratch-offs. You can play to win $1,000.00 or $2,500.00 instantly! I also want to remind you to play PCHKeno , where you can go for $10 Million after your 2nd Keno card. Did you know that?
Week 2: One of Our Biggest Days of Winning Ever!
Get ready for Week two, because the PCH DAY Event starts on Wednesday, February 7th. The event runs from 2/7 – 2/15, and in that time, we will be collecting winners for the big reveal on 2/23. There will definitely be over 1,400 winners with total prizes worth $20,000.00! It’s one of our Biggest Days of Winning Ever! This is a company-wide event, so you’ll be able to enter from everywhere on PCH. Whether you go to PCHFrontpage, PCHslots, or whatever PCH games site you choose, you can enter to win – and you should – because winners are GUARANTEED! Make sure you get in to win!
Week 3: More Prizes and Usual Favorites
Week three also has some exciting stuff you’ll want to note. First, let me remind you to watch Inside PCH, which airs live Mondays at 2 PM, ET, on the PCH Fan Page on Facebook. Howie and Danielle are always giving away money – with the grand prize of $1,000.00 at the end of every episode, so make sure to tune in each week. It’s also important to note that the PCH DAY Event ends on February 15th, so make sure your entries are in. Like I said earlier, 1,400 winners are guaranteed, and you could become one of them. Lastly for week three, you should note that on Saturday the 17th, there is a PCHSearch&Win Exclusive. Get 5X entries to win $1,000.00! Get in on all the week three action!
Week 4: Thousands of Winners – Millions of Dollars!
Wow, week four – there is so much going on; where do we start? First of all, Tuesday the 20th is the last day to enter to win the February SuperPrize ( At stake is $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” (Gwy. No. 8800) – and a winner is Guaranteed – so we urge you to enter! Some extremely lucky individual will win payments of $5,000.00 every single week of their life, and then after that, those same weekly lifetime payments will continue to a beneficiary of their choosing. What an incredible legacy! Then February 23rd is the SuperPrize Award Day – perfectly timed with the PCH DAY Event award day! It’s going to be an incredible day at PCH – thousands of winners and millions of dollars are GUARANTEED!
But as if that’s not enough, another event where a winner is GUARANTEED begins this week. February 24th marks the first day of the 5-day PCHlotto PowerPrize Event! This is another huge event, because the PowerPrize Jackpot will be at it’s highest – $4,978,632 – and it will definitely be awarded. You have five days to get in as many entries as you can to win the largest PowerPrize Jackpot in PCH history, so go for it!
Week 5: PowerPrize Drawing – Winner Is Guaranteed!
We’re going out with a bang this month, folks. On Wednesday, February 28th, the PCHlotto PowerPrize Event ends. That means, all entries must be in before the strict 11:59 PM, ET entry deadline. This is crucial because, as I mentioned earlier, an incredible $4,978,632.00 will definitely be awarded. History will be made with our first ever PCHlotto PowerPrize Winner (insert screams, clapping and whistles here). DON’T MISS OUT!
Whew. So much excitement, right? What a month. So much money and so many prizes are guaranteed to be awarded, it’s nuts! I’m curious, which are you most looking forward to: The SuperPrize, The PowerPrize, or PCH DAY? It’s a tough decision, so best to enter them all! OK, everyone… you have your Monthly Calendar for February and your New Sweepstakes to Enter. I hope you make sure to mark your calendars and enter your little hearts out. Best of luck to all of you!
Tina P.
Online Creative