PCH Sweepstakes Winners Are Real – Believe Me!

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

I Should Be A Millionaire…

I’ll bet if I had a buck for every time someone has asked me whether Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes winners are real and if we really award the Million Dollar SuperPrizes, I’d practically be a millionaire myself. You see, I’ve been an employee at Publishers Clearing House for the past 23 years and I’ve been asked those questions more times than I can count. And my answer is ALWAYS the same: YES, we AWARD the BIG Million Dollar SuperPrizes to REAL sweepstakes winners!

In fact, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting many of our sweepstakes winners when they visited us at Corporate Headquarters after their BIG WIN. I still get a tear in my eye as I watch PCH Prize Patrol footage of the winning moments. Of course, I always try to compose myself and wipe the tears away before DAVE SAYER, Prize Patrol Executive Director, stops the tape and asks for the lights to be turned back on. One of the best parts about working at Publishers Clearing House, is making a sweepstakes winner’s “dreams come true”. It never gets old.

I must admit that Publishers Clearing House has come a long way since I began working here. When I started on July 13, 1987, we had typewriters … not computers. We typed memos that were hand-delivered from office to office … there was obviously no email system. A “tea cart” would be delivered to each department for a companywide 10:30 break … now we have a fully-stocked Cafe in the Dining Room. Sweepstakes packages were all paper mail … now we proudly have PCH.COM, where you can enter the PCH Sweepstakes online EVERY DAY with a few clicks! But, what remains consistent to this day is the fact that we continue to AWARD BIG CASH PRIZES to really wonderful and grateful entrants!

What are you waiting for? Enter the PCH Sweepstakes online NOW and you could become one of our PCH sweepstakes winners! Perhaps I will get to meet you and your winning moment will make me cry, too!

Donna W.

Creative Department

PCH Publishers Clearing House