PCHers Share Their Favorite Holiday Traditions!

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

Call me old-fashioned, but I just love holiday traditions! In fact, it’s the little things my family does year after year that I look forward to most about the holidays! Second to the gifts, of course!

Since I was a little girl, we’ve done the same things every year on the special days. For Easter, my sister, brother and I all get Easter baskets filled with goodies from my parents. And believe me, we’re not kids anymore. My brother even has a daughter of his own, but he still expects and gets one every year! It’s a family tradition!

My favorite family tradition though has to be our annual Easter Egg Cracking Contest that happens every year at Easter breakfast. Here’s how it works. One person is the “hitter”. The other is the “receiver”. The hitter holds his egg above the receiver’s egg and hits down on it. Then, you look to see whose egg was cracked, the hitter or the receiver. The person whose egg is uncracked moves onto the next round. And this goes on and on, around the table, until one egg remains, and one personr is left standing and declared this year’s egg cracking champion! My mother holds the 2012 title.

My Family Tradition: Egg Cracking Contest

In writing this blog, I wanted to be able to share with you holiday traditions from all your favorite PCHers. The first person I asked was Dave Sayer, and wouldn’t you know, his family has the same egg cracking family tradition as mine! But he calls the last egg standing competition “bunking,” and says it came from his German grandfather’s family tradition.

Fellow Prize Patrol member Danielle Lam shared her family tradition of making Greek Easter bread. It sure looks yummy! Danielle says her family always makes extra, so they can enjoy it all week long!

Danielle's Family Tradition: Greek Easter Bread!

Blog writer Elliot shared his childhood tradition of celebrating Passover dinner with family and friends. He remembers how symbolic and important the Seder was, especially the eating of the bitter herbs.

When asked about her holiday traditions, Contest Manager Maryann Carter said she makes her grandmother’s famous lasagna recipe as the main course for her Italian Easter dinner every year. Mmmmm, can I be invited next year, Maryann?

Now that I’ve shared PCHers favorite holiday traditions, I want to know what yours are! Do you guys have egg cracking contests like me, or do you do something else? Please comment below and share with me. Maybe I’ll pick up some cool ones from you and make them a new family tradition!

Thanks for reading!

Amanda C., PCH Creative

Amanda C.
PCH Creative



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