PCH’s Raffle 2 Riches Event Is Here! Get In To Win!

Raffle 2 Riches is BACK and we’re ready to name PCH prizewinners! Remember how amazing our Raffle 2 Riches event was last year? Well, we’re back at it again – PCH sweepstakes had such a great event last year that we decided to repeat the fun and winning again this year! So, here we are again!
This year, during the Raffle 2 Riches event, we’ll be awarding a grand prize of $10,000.00 on August 16th! Mark your calendars – because as long as you’re in it to win it, you could become one of our PCH prizewinners!
Here’s how the event will work: from today, August 6th until Sunday August 12th, PCH fans will have a shot at winning from an exciting lineup of prizes: 5 prizes of $1,000.00 from PCH Gwy. No. 11803, AND a grand prize of $10,000.00 from PCH Gwy. No. 11804 — all on August 16th! And, you’ll be able to enter from just about everywhere online at PCH! Be sure to keep an eye on your email for details.
You know what this means, right? This means that MULTIPLE PCH PRIZEWINNERS ARE GUARANTEED in our Raffle 2 Riches Event! Yep, it’s the same as last year; multiple prizes to brighten the day for multiple winners!
Isn’t this all so exciting? Well, what are you waiting for? Today, we kicked off the Raffle 2 Riches event and we know you’re ready to get in on the fun and enter to become a PCH prizewinner! So, go ahead and start playing at pch.com! You can also get in to win from PCHlotto, PCHSearch&Win, PCHgames, PCHFrontpage, PCHPlay&Win, and PCHKeno! Grab all the chances you can to win PCH sweepstakes during this amazing event!
Are you in to win big cash? PCH is great at awarding big cash – and that’s why we’re so happy that our Raffle 2 Riches event is back in full swing … and we know you’re just as excited as we are! So, stay in to win and watch for the big winning moment during our Raffle 2 Riches event: it could mean a “ticket to winning” for you and your family!
Nicole M.
PCH Creative