Pet Lovers Share Stories and Photos

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

One thing pet lovers love to do is share stories and photos of their furry or feathered friends.  If you want to see someone’s face light up, just ask him or her about their pet and soon they will be talking non-stop.  Even a complete stranger will proudly show you photos of a beloved dog, cat, bunny or bird.

PCH is pleased to sponsor an event that’s sure to delight pet lovers and others, too!  It’s the New Yorkie Runway doggie fashion show scheduled to take place on Friday, February 10th.  Celebrities and their canines will strut their stuff with fashionable dog outfits and accessories for an evening full of fun entertainment.  And a portion of the proceeds will go to benefit the therapy dog charity called Angel On A Leash.  Our very own Danielle Lam from the Prize Patrol will be there, too, with Grizzly, her stylish Yorkie.

In addition, the one talented pooch who wins this year’s “American Idol” style doggie auditions and competition will get to walk the runway, too.  If you haven’t yet watched the dog audition videos or cast your vote for your favorite dog, please go to to do so before the February 3rd deadline.

Could this get any better?  We think so, because YOU CAN WATCH IT ALL UNFOLD LIVE on streaming video on the PCH Facebook Fan Page!  Which cute canine will win the most votes?  Will a brand new Prize Patrol mascot debut?  What other laughs and surprises will there be?  Tune in to PCH Facebook at 7:00 pm EST on Friday, 2/10/12, to see for yourself!

In the meantime, dear pet lovers, we invite you to share stories of YOUR furry or feathered friends, so please share them with us in PCH Blog comments and on Facebook!  Since I, too, am a pet lover, I’ll start the sharing.  Here is a photo of our adorable Min Pin (Miniature Pinscher) named “Pony” dressed in one of her numerous fashionable dog outfits.

PAW-some, don’t you think?  Pony has lots of personality and gives us many laughs.  One of her favorite pranks is to sneak into an open drawer or laundry basket when no one is looking and steal a sock.  Sometimes we’ll catch a glimpse of her running like a streaming black bullet, looking nervously over her shoulder to check if anyone sees her, with a fluffy white object dangling from her mouth. Any time a member of our household is missing a sock, the first place we check is in Pony’s crate where she sleeps.  She stores all her “treasures” in her bed!

Share your pet stories with us, too!

Deborah Holland

Executive Vice President, PCH

P.S.  What would a PCH sponsored event be without a few prizes to give away?  We’ll be giving away 7 prizes that are sure to please pet lovers as part of this special promotion.  To be eligible to win, all you need to do is make sure you’re registered as a PCH Facebook Super Fan by February 8th.  Be on the lookout for more details coming soon in the PCH Blog and on our PCH Facebook Fan Page.