Plan a Millionaire Vacation!

It’s time for a fun quiz! Don’t worry, this isn’t the kind of quiz you have to study for. Besides, school is out for the summer! We wouldn’t do that to you! But what we would do is help you to imagine becoming a millionaire going on your first big spender vacation!
Imagine the options are wide open!
If you were to win the big Publishers Clearing House SuperPrize, you’d suddenly find yourself in the enviable position of planning your own millionaire vacation! But with the whole world now a travel option, you might find it a little overwhelming. Just imagine being a kid in a toy store with a $100 gift card. It might be tough to make the “perfect decision” about where to go!
So we decided to make it easy on you! We’ve created a fun quiz for your entertainment to help you figure out your millionaire vacation! We’ll help you find out your mode of transportation and then your destination!
I’ll give it a try to show you how it works. I was born in December of 1979. So if I look at the chart above, I will be traveling by SAILBOAT to BALI, INDONESIA! You see I found my birth month above, and then the last digit of my birth year. I guess I better start packing my bag!
What does the quiz say about traveling to your own destination? We want to know where YOU would be headed if you could go on your own Millionaire Vacation. What do you think you’d do there?
If I were to visit Bali, I’d definitely want to check out the ancient temples, hang out on the beach, and enjoy the local cuisine!
But since I work at PCH, I am not eligible to win … BUT YOU COULD BE! So make sure that you are able to be in the running to be a winner by entering the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes! All it takes is a few minutes at to enter, and then you’re on your way. Of course the more often you enter, the more chances you’ll get, and that’s a journey worth taking! So don’t delay this voyage … go there today!
Matt K.
PCH Creative
P.S. What were your results to the quiz? Wouldn’t want to travel there? Tell us where you REALLY want to go in the comments below!