Prize Patrol Delivery Duty is No Dirty Job

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

Prize Patrol Delivery of Huge Sweepstakes Prize Awards — What’s Not to Like?

The TV show “Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe” has been on the Discovery Channel for five years now and has covered a range of “icky” jobs — from pigeon cleaner-upper to worm grunter to owl vomit collector. Yuck! Obviously the show is attracting an audience or it wouldn’t be starting a sixth season.

While some of the ”Dirty Jobs” are simply grimy (like steamship cleaning) rather than disgusting, virtually all of them fall far short of the alluring dream jobs that elicit ooh’s and ahh’s and quick demands to “Sign me up!”

When it comes to a dream job, the title “Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol delivery deputy” is pretty hard to beat. And we PCH employees who are fortunate enough to perform these sweepstakes prize award duties are not the only ones who think so. Authors and media interviewers who accompany us on our travels all over the USA often declare, “Wow: you guys have the best job in the world!”

One reason these observers cite is “Everyone is always happy to see you. Has anybody ever slammed a door in your face?”

“Of course not,” we must admit. “When we show up on someone’s doorstep with roses, balloons, smiles, video cameras, champagne and The Big Check worth thousands or millions of dollars, the sweepstakes prize winners are mighty glad to see us. Every winning moment is full of lots of hugs and kisses – even though we’ve never met these people before.”

So how would YOU feel? What kind of reception would you give us if we rang your doorbell for a PCH Prize Patrol delivery? I’ll betcha it would be a good one!

But don’t just take my word for it. Just enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes online at without delay, and — should you win — you’ll see for yourself that Prize Patrol delivery duty is no dirty job. You will experience a winning moment that you and yours will remember for the rest of your life!

Wishing you the very best of luck,

Dave Sayer

Executive Director