Prize Patrol Gives Halloween Treat, Not Trick, To Georgia Woman

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

This may come as a surprise, but the Prize Patrol actually had plans to award not 1, but 2 prizes this Halloween. Unfortunately, due to Hurricane Sandy, the Prize Patrol was not able to get out of the New York area to make one of those awards. That winner is being notified by overnight delivery, and we’ll release his or her name as soon as it’s verified. Keep your fingers crossed everyone because that winner could be you! And for those of you out there who suffered at the hands of Sandy, our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Fortunately, Hurricane Sandy didn’t stop me from delivering a Halloween treat – not a trick – to a loyal Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes entrant in Loganville, Georgia. I happened to be down south, so a trip to Georgia was not difficult.  In anticipation of the storm our staff in Port Washington, NY, air-freighted the Big Check, the real check for $10,000.00 and needed paperwork to our video-cameraman in Atlanta who met me on Wednesday morning so we could make a promised Halloween prize award.

Marsha Fritzinger has been entering the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes for years – just like her parents and grandparents did before her – by mail.  She read that a recent winner won by entering online, and so she’s been doing it that way too – at and other PCH websites.

We didn’t find Marsha at home; but within an hour or so we did locate her workplace, a major retailer.  Alas, she was out to lunch – not at the pizzeria where her boss thought we might find her, but with co-workers eating Chinese.  Back at the store we awaited her return — and we didn’t have to wait more than a minute.

“You have someone who wants to see you” manager Bill told Marsha; so she came outside, saw us with the balloons, roses and Big Check and immediately jumped for joy.  “I don’t believe it” she yelped as fellow employees stood in the background in shock, awe and admiration for their co-worker who has been with them for over ten years.  “I’ve seen others win, so why couldn’t I?” she cried, exhibiting the true spirit of a PCH winner.

The time is drawing near for the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol to get ready to go on the road to award an even bigger prize – the November 30th $1,000,000.00 Plus $5,000.00 A Week For Life Mega Prize in just a few weeks!

Enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes today  — and every day, and the next big winner could be YOU!

Dave Sayer

Prize Patrol Ambassador