Prize Patrol On The Road To Surprise Charity

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

Where oh where is the Prize Patrol going?  The $25,000.00 Big Check is being delivered to charity today!

Voting has ended for The Give Back, which means there’s only 1 thing left for us to do…surprise the 1st place charity with the Big Check for $25,000.00! And that’s exactly what the Prize Patrol is doing today! They’re on the road right now, on their way to making a dream come true for one charity and all the people it helps.

We kept the votes a secret throughout the last week of The Give Back campaign, which means right now, no one knows where we’re heading or which charity it will be — including, of course, the charities! We can’t wait to see their surprised faces! As a refresher, the choices are StandUp For Kids in San Diego.… Operation Homefront in upstate New York…and the ASPCA® in Manhattan. Which one do you think it’ll be?

For those of you who can’t handle the surprise, Prize Patrol elite member Danielle Lam will be sending updates (and even hints!) on her Facebook page all day long before she delivers the big check. Be sure to check it out!

And you’ll be happy to know that I can reveal one bit of good news right now – read on to find out!

The results of The Give Back $5,000.00 fan Sweepstakes are in! If you remember, every day during The Give Back gave fans  another chance  to win $5,000.00 cash! Fans entered all throughout the campaign, but in the end, the winner was Ms. Laurie Venegas, from Bristol, PA!  Congratulations, Laurie!

Now stay tuned to see which charity received a surprise visit and $25,000.00 Big Check from The Prize Patrol.  Whoever it is, we know it’ll make a huge difference and we couldn’t be happier to help a great cause.

And a big thanks again to everyone who voted throughout The Give Back campaign. You can all smile knowing your votes really helped make a difference!

Amanda C.

PCH Creative