If The Prize Patrol Visits Your Town, Where Should They Eat?

Where is your favorite place to eat? Did you know that the Prize Patrol usually stops at restaurants all over the country while they’re on the road? And did you know that they will definitely be on the road in just weeks when they deliver a $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” prize to a winner?!
As you know, we’re guaranteed to award $5,000.00 A Week “Forever”. That means, should you win, you’d receive $5,000.00 a week for your life, then after that, those same lifetime payments would continue on for the life of someone special you choose. All you have to do is enter to win and we could arrive at your doorstep with a “Big Check”! If Danielle, Todd, Howie, and Dave arrived in your hometown, where would you tell them to get a bite to eat?
You read that right! If the Prize Patrol visited your town, we’re sure you have great ideas of what restaurants they should eat at. So, tell us! Yes, we want to know what restaurant you’d suggest if they arrived in your hometown!
What is your favorite type of food? They eat all types of cuisine, so we’re sure anything you recommend would be enjoyed by our favorite prize delivery crew! Who knows? Maybe you could enjoy a celebratory winner’s lunch with the Prize Patrol! If this became your reality, where would you like to eat with this prize delivery crew?!
Is there a local diner in your town that is your go-to spot? Is there an Italian food place in your town that makes the best pasta sauce you’re ever tried? Or is there a quick stop deli with all the sliced cheese options you can imagine? The possibilities are endless – all over the country, there are amazing places to eat delicious food, and you better believe our favorite prize delivery crew loves to try food whenever they hit the road! So, if they arrived in your hometown, would you be ready to tell them where to eat?
What restaurant would you recommend? Please tell us now in the comments section below. If they visited your hometown and delivered money to you, we’re sure they would love to eat at your favorite restaurant!
And don’t forget, if you want the chance to tell the Prize Patrol where to eat in your hometown, you need to first enter to win the PCH Sweepstakes !
Nicole M.
PCH Creative