Prize Winning News Travels Fast in Harpers Ferry, IA

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

Indeed, it was a long, tiring drive to the town where our first Publishers Clearing House winner resides but well worth it when reached Kembles Greenhouse.

We knew our arrival was long awaited as the florist’s crew was buzzing around with electricity. A local news photographer even joined in to snap some proud prize winning shots that were just begging to fire up the town!

It was time to track down Helen, and although it was a little tricky finding her house, a nice gentlemen was able to guide us directly to her. At that point, we realized the locals must be pretty excited about a prize winning moment in their town when he introduced himself as the mayor. Boy, good news really does travel fast in Harpers Ferry!

PCH Winner H Ellenbolt

Finally, we reached the prize winner’s home and saw a woman sweeping the front porch. Sure enough it was Helen. Nothing less than ecstatic was she when we announced her prize. Although bearing some duress due to some financial burdens, she exuded the utmost gratitude towards her cash sweepstakes prize. No doubt this prize winning day was absolutely galvanizing!

Prize winning H Ellenbolt

Regina K. and Stacey H.

PCH Prize Patrol Team 1