Publishers Clearing House Shows YOU The Big Money!

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

Show Me The Money

Hello PCH blog readers!

The other day I was channel surfing on the tube and came across a classic: Jerry Maguire. This is one of those movies that when I see it on, I just have to watch it. It’s just that good.

Do you like Jerry Maguire? What’s your favorite scene? Mine is, hands down, “SHOW ME THE MONEY”. Not that this scene needs any explanation for anyone whose seen it, but for those who haven’t – in this scene Tom Cruise, a sports agent, is on the phone with his client, played by Cuba Gooding Jr., who amusingly makes him scream “SHOW ME THE MONEY” about a dozen times before he agrees to keep him on as his agent. In my opinion, the scene is cinematic perfection, and is most likely what won Cuba the 1996 Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor.

Watching this scene years later made me think about how we, Publishers Clearing House, are ALWAYS showing you fans the money — and big money, too! I mean think about it. We’ve awarded over $240 Million in prizes since 1967! We’re always offering up huge SuperPrizes…like our first-ever “Forever” prize this past August 31st. I mean if that’s not showing you the big money, I don’t know what is!

In just a few days, we’ll be showing one lucky person the big money once again in our April 30th SuperPrize Event! Someone could win $1,000,000 (YES, ONE MILLION DOLLARS) Every Single Year FOR LIFE!

Write “SHOW ME THE MONEY” in the comments section below if you want that lucky person to be YOU!


Amanda C., PCH Creative

Amanda C.

PCH Creative

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