Q Score of the PCH Prize Patrol

Last Updated: May 6, 2011

Prize Patrol Elite Team

If the PCH Prize Patrol had a Q Score, I’ll bet it would be off the charts.

A Q Score is the measurement of popularity and likability of a brand, TV show or personality.  Developed by a research company called Marketing Evaluations, Inc., the Q Score is calculated based on survey responses from a nationwide sample of mail and online panelists. High emotional attachment with a show, brand name or celebrity means strong viewer involvement and audience attention.

Our PCH Prize Patrol is the nationally famous team that surprises unsuspecting winners on their doorsteps with huge cash prizes and multi-million dollar sweepstakes awards.  Judging by the reactions of sweepstakes prize winners when they open the door to see video cameras rolling and the Prize Patrol holding a Giant-Sized Check, Balloons, Roses and Champagne, this prize award team may be among the most popular house guests ever.  Highly emotional sweepstakes winning moments, laden with tears, gasps, sighs, shouts, laughs, smiles and hugs would surely register strong scores in viewer involvement.

Prize Patrol with Giant Check

Q Scores following this year’s Academy Awards that compared the 2011 co-hosts with celebrity hosts from earlier years revealed some of the “old faithfuls” were more popular.   The quest to improve show ratings by continually featuring new stars to hand out awards may have led to a dead end.

If The Academy is looking for REAL prize award experts, with tons of hands-on experience with winning moments and a sky-high likability factor, perhaps they should consider getting the PCH Prize Patrol to hand out the coveted prizes next year.  They would look just as sharp in formal wear as they do in navy blue blazers.  There might be one challenge, though.  Since the Prize Patrol likes to do things in a BIG way, it could turn into a logistical nightmare keeping all those Giant-Sized Envelopes and 10-feet tall Oscar statues back stage!

Now that would be a sight … but the Q Score would probably be the highest ever!

For YOUR chance to get the “red carpet” treatment and a “coveted prize” delivered by our own “celebrity” prize award team, make sure you enter the PCH Sweepstakes today.  No rehearsals or acceptance speeches necessary.

Good luck!

Deborah Holland

Executive Vice President

PCH, Publishers Clearing House