Ready To Party? Our Winning Celebration Is Weeks Away!

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

ARE YOU READY TO PARTY? You heard me! Tomorrow is Cinco de Mayo (the fifth of May), and I want to know if any of you blog readers have Cinco de Mayo celebrations planned. Don’t hold back! I’m sure some of you are planning on cooking up a storm for this day that celebrates Mexican heritage and pride. Or I’m sure others of you are at least planning on celebrating at your favorite Mexican restaurant. (Like me!) C’mon, share your party plans with me below!

For those of you not familiar with this holiday, you know what to do: head over to PCHSearch&Win right now! A simple search will let you in on the history of this special day, Cinco de Mayo celebrations, decorations, traditions and more!

Speaking of celebrations…who here knows what winning celebration is just weeks away? 27 days to be exact! Ding, ding, ding … that’s right – our May 31st 5,000.00 A Week For Life SuperPrize Event!

Prize Patrol Elite Team

Cinco de Mayo celebrations sure are fun, but just imagine what a winning celebration it would be if you won $5,000.00 Every Week For Life! If you did, I think you’d be the one screaming to all your friends and family: “ARE YOU READY TO PARTY?”

And what a party it would be! With a weekly pay check like that, your winning celebration would go on and on and on. Hey, you could even have a party every week!

So who here is ready to party? Who here is excited? I know I am! For Cinco de Mayo celebrations this weekend AND the $5,000.00 A Week For Life winning celebration that’s just weeks away! If you are too, shout it from your rooftop…or better yet, leave me a comment below!

Amanda C., PCH Creative

Amanda C.
PCH Creative