Retired Buffalo Police Officer Won the June 30th PCH SuperPrize!

On June 30th the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol headed to Buffalo, NY to award Cedric Littlejohn with the $1 Million SuperPrize. As you would expect, we were extremely excited to find out what our newest PCH millionaire would be like. The day started off without a hitch – flight on time, rental Prize Patrol van nice and clean, beautiful flowers and balloons ready to go. The local media was also there excited to see the surprise “winning moment” everyone sees on TV…in real life! It was all going great until…well…that knock on the door. Cedric wasn’t home! We didn’t lose hope though because we heard someone inside and dogs barking. Soon enough we met Cedric’s daughter Amani, who answered the door in classic PCH style, a bathrobe! Luckily, she was a great accomplice and was able to get her dad to come home without ruining the surprise.
Ten minutes later Cedric returned home and, WOW, what a great reaction. He was speechless and shaking, nearly falling over! He enters the PCH sweepstakes all the time but couldn’t believe we were actually there for him. The first thing that came to mind when we asked what he would do with the money, he said “pay my tithes” (something we hear a lot from our winners!). He went on to tell us how it was a “needed finance” and how relieved they were to not have the financial stress anymore. As it usually happens, the Prize Patrol arrives just in time!
Watch the news coverage here:
Cedric continued to tell us how he’s just a regular person and if he won, anyone can. And, that’s true!! But you’ve got to be “in it to win it” as we like to say. So, don’t lose hope, keep playing, keep having fun and I wish you all the best of luck!
Danielle Lam
PCH Prize Patrol Elite