Rolling in Green on November 30

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

You’ll be rolling in green on November 30 if you’re declared the PCH Mega Prize winner!

Many years ago, before the Prize Patrol became the stars of our TV commercials (oops – OUR WINNERS are the stars!), we shot some PCH TV commercials featuring Eva Gabor, the glamorous star of the ’60’s sit-com “Green Acres.”  In one commercial the camera followed her past a display of silver-framed photos of her friends.  “Believe me,” Eva said, “I’ve met a lot of rich people.  But none of them made millions as fast as you can with the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes.  Just think, darlings: [soon] you could be a very rich person!”

Eva knew what she was talking about!  Many famous people have worked long and hard for the fortunes they have made, and that’s just fine.  But in a few short weeks YOU could be very lucky and win a gigantic fortune without doing much work at all.  In fact, with just a few clicks you could wind up a very rich person and be set for life – just like Doris Gray and Marcy Longnecker and Patricia DiNardo and many others who have won millions from PCH.

How would you like to be rolling in green? And I don’t mean Green Acres!  I mean MEGA-Bucks from the PCH Mega Prize!  Our Prize Patrol is getting ready to surprise some lucky person with $1 Million CASH on November 30 PLUS the promise of $5,000 a week for life!  AND that lucky person could be YOU!  That’s right: Someone is GUARANTEED to come into this gigantic fortune just weeks from now thanks to Publishers Clearing House’s decision to end Giveaway 1400 earlier than originally planned.

Here’s more good news:  Our sweepstakes rules allow you to enter our sweepstakes every day – not just once a year or once a month or once a week.  So you can return to every day until the November 16 deadline for another chance to win $1 Million on November 30 plus $5000 a week for life.

So don’t waste a minute.  Click here on this link to and ENTER the PCH Sweepstakes online!  Remember, you could soon be rolling in green!

Wishing you the best of luck.


Dave Sayer

Prize Patrol Ambassador

P.S.  By the way, in the course of producing those TV commercials years ago, Eva Gabor and I became good friends.   She was a beautiful person in every way, so it was a sad day when she passed away in 1995.  Maybe you have some fond memories of her too which you’d like to share.