SCORE! Today’s Tournament Game is Tri Peaks Rush!

Get ready, PCH fans … you’re in for a treat! Today’s game tournament is Tri Peaks Rush – and it’s one of the most popular, challenging, and addictive games we’ve got!
Imagine this: you’ve got a mountain of cards standing between you … and ultimate glory. Think fast, because it’s your job to clear the decks in under a minute, grabbing as many tokens as you can along the way.
Take it from me, if you can’t clear all of the cards and ascend to the top peak before your 60 seconds are up, it’s okay. The more you play, the faster you’ll get!
The top scorer and top token earner of Tri Peaks Rush (on desktop, mobile, and tablet) will win $100 Cash guaranteed TONIGHT!
Tonight, a GUARANTEED $100 cash prize will go to the TOKEN high scorer (the person with the highest score from a single tournament game play) and the top token earner (the person who racks up the most tokens by playing the tournament game today)!
You can play on your laptop, mobile phone, and tablet and rack up those scores and tokens! Score 5X tokens with every game played and watch yourself get faster and faster the more you play!
Don’t let that mountain of cards scare you! Keep putting on your “climbing boots” and play, play, play! The more you climb, the more tokens you’ll score! With any luck, you’ll earn the day’s top score and/or the most tokens– and WIN $100 CASH TONIGHT! What a rush that would be!
Remember: when you play at PCH Games you’ll score tokens galore AND get in to WIN $5,OOO.OO A Week “FOREVER” after your very first game played! Plus, there are a load of ways to claim your shot at lifechanging prizes – from PCHLotto and PCHKeno to PCHFrontpage and PCHSearch&Win.
Just do as our winners do (yes, there are REAL WINNERS and they have lots to say about the secrets to their success): claim shots to WIN MILLIONS and CHANGE YOUR LIFE while you have fun at PCH!
All the best,
Maria S.
PCH Online Creative