Search And Win Instant Prizes From Almost Any Location!

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

No matter where you are, you can search and win instant prizes … maybe even at a wedding!

Recently I had the great honor of being a bridesmaid for a very close friend of mine. As most weddings go, I did not know more than a handful of people there. This being the case, the inevitable “What do you do?” was asked, multiple times. When I said I work for Publishers Clearing House I received a very common response, “Is that place real? I thought it was all a scam.” You can imagine my reaction!

Of course I had to set them straight. “Not only are we real, I have participated in many PCH Prize Patrol trips to hand out Big Checks to some of the most amazing sweepstakes prize winners. And not only do we give out millionaire-making awards, we also have a site called PCH Search and Win, which allows people to search daily for a chance to win great instant prizes.”

“Really? I can search and win instant prizes?” they queried. “We will start immediately…” they drifted off while pulling out their Blackberries, iPhones and other devices.

“Not now,” I explained, “we’re at a wedding.” Although I’m enthusiastic about the chance to search and win instant prizes, I do know better than to create a cell phone distraction at an occasion like that.

“Don’t worry! It was just a text message!” they exclaimed.

So, please, take some advice from me, a PCH Prize Patroller who now works in the online search department at PCH:  Get your chance to search and win instant prizes by going to  Have fun, and try not to create a distraction for the folks around you!


Danielle B.

PCH Search and Win