See What’s On the Desk of the PCH Prize Patrol’s Danielle!

Good morning, friends and fans! If it’s Saturday, you know what that means: it’s time for Danielle’s Desk!
Each Saturday, Danielle answers questions from our PCH fans – and this week, Danielle is giving you must-have information about these two questions:
- Where can I see my tokens?
- How do I check my entries?
Ready? Click on the button below and hear what Danielle’s got to say about these two topics in this week’s video segment.
So now that Danielle has given you the answers to those two questions, let’s do a quick recap.
This one is SUPER EASY! You’ll get Token Rewards everywhere you play with PCH. You can actually see your token total at any time just by going to any one of our sites! When you get there, look up at the top right-hand corner of the screen and you’ll see your all-time Token Total! Plus, click the “Rewards” icon and you’ll reveal how many Tokens you have available to exchange.
Here’s the thing: the more active you are on, the more tokens you’ll bank! Play fun games at PCHgames, try your luck at PCHlotto, search the Internet on PCHSearch&Win, and so much more!
Plus, guess what? While you’re racking up tokens, you’ll also get SHOTS TO WIN our $2,5000,000.00 MegaPrize (PCH Gwy. #11389) that’s ready for award on December 3rd! How awesome would it be to win a MILLIONAIRE-MAKING prize like that? It’s the kind of big win that would change your life for sure!
You can check your numbers on PCHlotto and a few other places, but we don’t typically reveal your major sweepstakes prize numbers on site. Instead, we keep those numbers safe and secure in our files at PCH Headquarters! But don’t worry: if you are declared our winner, rest assured: we will FIND YOU!
Speaking of winning, take a trip over to the PCHrewards Token Exchange RIGHT NOW. That way, you can use your tokens to get in to WIN cool prizes in tonight’s big drawing!
Thanks for stopping by! Please don’t forget to check in every Saturday for our Danielle’s Desk Q&A session. Plus, make sure you score as many tokens and entries as you can (EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.) by going to all of the different sites on – because it’s always FREE to enter and FREE to WIN! Good luck!
All the best,
Maria S.
PCH Online Creative