Shopping Near My Current Location

Every now and again, I forget about all the incredibly useful and convenient resources I have at my fingertips. For example, the other day I was trying to figure out shopping near my current location (I wasn’t at home). I wasn’t familiar with the area and was starting to get stressed and then it occurred to me… What am I doing? Why am I stressing out? I have one of the most incredible search engines right at my fingertips…
PCH Search&Win saved the day for me – and I’m guessing it’s saved a day or two for most of you as well. Not only did Search&Win inform me that “Deep Blue, the massive, 20ft-Long Great White Shark thought to be biggest on record, was spotted off Hawaii coast,” it also let me know where I could find the nearest Banana Republic and Trader Joes – two of my regulars. Just like that, I went from stressed to shopping!

Have you ever typed “Shopping Near My Current Location” in the Search&Win search engine? What comes up? Right now, I’m in our corporate headquarters in Jericho, New York. There is LOTS of local shopping all around here. But what do you get? Share in the comments below – let’s see where everyone is and what’s around you.
ALSO – It’s important to remember – you have an added benefit. When you search at Search&Win, you’ll not only find exactly what you’re looking for, after logging on, you’ll also get an entry into our SuperPrize! And that’s a big deal because right now it’s $5,000.00 A Week “Forever”! That means the winner gets payments of $5,000.00 A Week for their lifetime, and after that, a beneficiary they choose gets those same lifetime weekly payments!
If that’s not a reason to search, I don’t know what is! So next time you find yourself needing some driving directions or ideas to shop locally, just type in “Shopping Near My Current Location” for a plethora of options from PCH Search&Win – and get a SuperPrize entrywhile you’re at it! BONUS!!
Have a great day!
Tina P.
Online Creative