Soak Up Some Summer Fun With PCHSearch&Win

Well PCH fans, it’s officially August! We still have a few more weeks of enjoying those lazy summer days before the fall weather sets in and this is the time to make the most of them! Sure, you could easily spend these last few weeks lounging in the pool or hanging out on the beach, but why not take a few days to explore some new and exciting summer fun activities?
Now of course, the question is where to begin? The answer is PCHSearch&Win! Whether it’s rain or shine outside, the fabulous summer fun results you will find are guaranteed to keep smiles on everyone’s faces. So creative new ideas did PCHSearch&Win come up with this time? Let’s take a look and find out.
Amusement Parks
What better way is there to enjoy the outdoors while keeping the whole family entertained for hours? As a kid I looked forward to the few trips my family would make over the summer to various parks. Each one was exciting in its own way and usually resulted in my parents having to yank my sister and I away from the games and rides when it was time to go home. Head on over to PCHSearch&Win right now and get started looking for the parks and attractions that interest you. Remember to search for some of those local hidden gems too! One of my favorite amusements parks ever growing up was only about a half hour away from my house.
Check Out Local Gatherings
In the mood for some amazing local food? What about a movie under the stars? All these things and more can usually be found right in your own neighborhood with a little searching. Head on over to PCHSearch&Win and check out the community pages near you. I live right outside an incorporated village and just by searching on the village website I can usually find some summer fun events. Last week the local park near me held a movie under the stars and even some free concerts! This is also a great time of year to scope out some farmers markets loaded with fresh fruits and veggies. It’s fun for the whole family!
Explore A Fun New Hobby
Summertime is perfect for exploring that painting class you always wanted to take. Or maybe you’ve always wanted to try your hand at karate lessons. It’s a great idea to get involved in these activities now so you can continue them into the fall and the winter. Summer schedules also tend to be more flexible and many places are willing to adjust hours to accommodate summertime customers. Head on over to PCHSearch&Win and look for some classes or lessons near you. The local library and rec centers also tend to hold free workshops and seminars so using PCHSearch&Win to find their event pages is another great way to explore your interests!
So fans, how do you plan to use the rest of your summer? There are so many great outdoor and indoor ways to make the most of the next few weeks. Get started right now by logging on and searching! Your first search of the day will not only get you amazing results, but it also automatically enters you in the FABULOUS PCH sweepstakes. You also get the chance to snag some pretty cool INSTANT win prizes as well. You’ve got nothing to lose so log on right now and enjoy!
Happy Searching!
Victoria P.
PCH Creative