Spring Cleaning Time

Last Updated: October 4, 2013


It’s time for spring cleaning.  Not just around the house, but time to clean out some fuzzy thinking that slows some people from entering the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes!

What a winter this has been!  These past few months have seen record cold temperatures and history-making snow accumulations in many areas of the country.   Thank heaven, springtime is on the way!

Spring cleaning helps freshen our homes much in the way Mother Earth is freshened with new life sprouting all around.

Over the years as head of the PCH Prize Patrol, I’ve come across far too many folks who say, “I’ll never win.  Why bother entering?”

That’s really fuzzy thinking that, in my opinion, needs a “spring cleaning.”  So I remind them, “If you don’t enter, you will lose for sure!”

I feel good when, right after our Prize Patrol presents roses, balloons and a Big Check and videotaped a winning moment, a neighbor or relative of the ecstatic winner steps forward and says, “I never believed those PCH TV commercials were real!  Now I believe it!  How do I enter the PCH Sweepstakes?”

I tell them how many ways there are to play and win at PCH online and how many prizes there are – ranging from a wallet-full of cash to giant jackpots you can win for life.  AND it’s so easy to enter the PCH sweepstakes these days:  Just go online to pch.com and click on the “BEGIN” button to get started.

Then I remind them that our rules allow you to enter our contest every day.  No wonder that more and more people are winning huge cash prizes with online sweepstakes entry at pch.com!

When it comes to winning, here’s hoping you really “clean up”!


Welcome to spring, and good luck!


Dave Sayer

Prize Patrol Ambassador