Spring Thaw at PCH Sweepstakes Headquarters

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

Hooray! A spring thaw has arrived at PCH Sweepstakes Headquarters in Port Washington, NY. Green shrub tops and patches of grass are starting to peek through areas that were blanketed in white.

Sweepstakes Headquarters PCH

The picture was quite different up until just a few days ago. We got blasted with such a blizzard in late January that our company’s sign was almost covered, and the freezing temperatures kept all the white stuff around with no end in sight.

PCH Sweepstakes HQ Blizzard

Mountains of snow were mounded up everywhere, as the plows pushed the frenzied flurry of frosty flakes aside to make way for cars. The drive to work was no picnic, and some of our PCH Facebook Fans may remember my post about getting stranded in the snow and having to dig out. (Ouch, the memory alone makes my back twinge!) But, one very pleasant surprise for all the PCHers who made it to work in that terrible weather is the sidewalks were clear to make it easy to walk from the parking lot into the buildings.  So, I want to say a big “THANK YOU FOR CLEARING AMPLE FOOT PATHS” to our excellent PCH facilities crew, including Ricky M., who’s pictured hard at work, below.

Ricky M PCH Sweepstakes HQ

From building and grounds, to entry-order processing, to merchandise buyers, to the contest department – whatever our jobs, all PCHers work together as a team to help keep the company running smoothly, whether it’s a snowmageddon or a spring thaw. Our customers and fans may be entering or ordering from anywhere in the country, so we want to be ready to serve them here at PCH Sweepstakes Headquarters in Port Washington, NY!

If you did enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes online or through the mail over the past few weeks, then you must be hoping to win a $1 Million A Year For Life SuperPrize. Well, it won’t be long now until a new Publishers Clearing House winner is announced. On February 28th, the PCH Prize Patrol will surprise one very lucky person with a SuperPrize that’s bound to warm his or her heart even more than a Spring Thaw!

If it’s you, what will your winning moment be like?

Good luck!

Deborah Holland

Executive Vice President

PCH Publishers Clearing House