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Article Tags: $1 million winner

Last Updated: February 1, 2017

Everyone thinks that Publishers Clearing House just gives away money. But did you know we also give away time? Recent winner Annette Jenkins knows what we mean! She’s someone who worked 3-4 jobs her whole life, so her win of the $1 Million SuperPrize means she can have a whole lot of time back for herself! […]

Last Updated: February 1, 2016

All of our SuperPrize winners here at Publishers Clearing House are so deserving! As fate would have it, it seems like each and every person who wins really needs the money, and it’s amazing to see how much their lives are changed! In our follow up chat with recent $1 Million winner Laurie Aragon, we discovered […]

Last Updated: September 30, 2015

“I was speechless! I had nothing to say.” That sums up Robb Gonzales’ reaction when the Prize Patrol showed up at his door with a $1 Million SuperPrize – a second chance prize PCH decided to give away when there was no winning number returned! While there weren’t many words coming out of his mouth, there […]

Last Updated: July 3, 2015

“You’re kidding!!!” were the first words out of Boris Clinton’s mouth as he cracked open the door to see who kept ringing his doorbell at 11:00 in the morning. “Are you Boris?” we asked — and he immediately recognized that we were the PCH Prize Patrol, waiting there to give him some money.  When we told […]

Last Updated: March 13, 2015

Hello PCH friends! We’ve had a great year so far at Publishers Clearing House, but one of our favorite moments was when we had a visit from recent $1 Million winner Rosemary Cella and her family!  Rosemary, her husband Dan (plus lots of kids and grandkids) all came to PCH Headquarters on February 20th to […]

Last Updated: February 6, 2015

Just a few days before Christmas, the Prize Patrol arrived in spacious Wisconsin, armed with a Big Check to the tune of $1 Million, plus a sweet “live check” of $25,000.00 to get $1 Million winner, Karl Jonsson, started off right! As they headed over to the lucky winner’s home, there was just one question […]

Last Updated: January 24, 2015

Hi everyone, it’s me Danielle Lam from the PCH Prize Patrol Elite Team. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen fans ask “what happens if a winner isn’t home” on my fan page on Facebook. Well, Rosemary Cella’s January 20th $1 Million SuperPrize winning moment is going to be the example I use from […]