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Article Tags: $7000 a week for life

Last Updated: September 12, 2016

Really, what would YOU do with $7,000 checks paid every single week of your life?  As a PCH employee, I cannot enter to win the October 21st Special Early Look “Set For Life” Prize Event, so I’m really curious about what my blog friends like you would do with this lifetime fortune! Would you head […]

Last Updated: April 21, 2016

I think this is it, PCH Friends! We’ve finally shaken off the icicles of winter and are starting to see our flowers in bloom! Each day gets warmer and nicer… and that can’t help but put you in a good mood! And since today is our deadline to enter for our upcoming April 29th $7,000 […]

Last Updated: April 4, 2016

Hi, PCH Fans! Our April 29th Prize Event is just around the corner and the excitement here is mounting fast. Officials are working hard to process entries and prepare the big check, the Prize Patrol is getting ready for their grand appearance, and everyone at PCH is wondering: Where will the Prize Patrol visit next? Who […]

Last Updated: March 1, 2016

In usual Publishers Clearing House fashion – we are just so excited to start promoting our newest SuperPrize: “The Set For Life” prize of $7,000 A Week For Life! That means if YOU were the lucky lifetime winner in our Special Early Look prize event this April 29th, you would receive $7,000 every single week, […]

Last Updated: September 24, 2015

Dear Reader, Close your eyes and imagine for a moment that the Prize Patrol has just handed you a BIG CHECK with your name on it, along with the words “$7,000 A WEEK FOR LIFE WINNER!” You scream. You jump up and down, maybe do a cartwheel down the street. And, after you catch your breath […]

Last Updated: September 22, 2015

Hello, my blog-reading friends! As you know, we’re authorized to award an incredible SET FOR LIFE prize on October 23rd – $7,000 A WEEK FOR LIFE! So tell us … when you fantasize about winning this prize …  what do you fantasize about doing with your prize winnings? Would any of these wonderful things be […]

Last Updated: September 15, 2015

Have you ever taken the time to look up at a perfectly blue sky to watch the clouds floating by? Doesn’t it make you feel incredibly free? You can let your imagination roam wild and feel as though you don’t have a care in the world and nothing to weigh you down. Ready? Now picture […]

Last Updated: September 1, 2015

Upcoming $7,000 A Week For Life Prize Event Could Be Your Turn To Win! Hey – it’s me Lucky, The PCH Big Check. Now, I know some of you are ready to knock out the zeros on my freshly-inked $7,000 A Week For Life Prize and ask why I didn’t come to your door yesterday.  […]

Last Updated: April 15, 2015

Have you ever thought about that?  Good! That tells me that you’ve been sending in your entries to win our $7,000 A Week For Life Special Early Look prize event. If you won this tremendous prize on April 30th, how would receiving $7,000 weekly checks for the rest of your life change things for you? For […]

Last Updated: April 1, 2015

Happy April Fools’ Day, my blog pals! It’s amazing the hoaxes people have fallen for on April 1st! In 1980, British citizens became outraged when the BBC reported that Big Ben was going to be altered to have a digital readout. Well it would be a little easier to read (joking!). In 1998, Burger King […]