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Did You Receive A PCH Notice With An Activation Code Inside?

Just a heads up to all of you blog readers out there! Be on the lookout for a special notice in your mailbox pictured above. It could mean a chance to win some fast cash if you find one! Be sure to open it up! Inside you’ll find a Gold Prize Ticket that looks like […]

Activate your Activation Code at to go for a HUGE PRIZE!

Activate your Activation Code at to go for a HUGE PRIZE!

HELLO, MY FRIENDS … Did you receive a special “snap pack”-style PCH Notice in the mail? It looks like the one pictured above.  Good!  FOLLOW MY INSTRUCTIONS BELOW and you’ll activate an entry for an historic PCH SuperPrize: $2,600,000 up-front (that’s Win For Life payments for the past 10 years) plus $5,000 A Week For […]

Activate your Activation Code at  to go for a HUGE PRIZE!

Activate your Activation Code at to go for a HUGE PRIZE!

HELLO, MY FRIENDS … Did you receive a special “snap-pack”-style PCH” Notice in the mail? It looks like the one pictured above. Follow these simple instructions that could help make you RICH! Open up a new window on your computer screen and do THIS: (OR, simply click on this link  in my Blog!) That will […]

A Secure Pack Could Mean FAST CASH For You!

A Secure Pack Could Mean FAST CASH For You!

Special secure packs have been sent through the U.S. postal service and are scheduled to arrive in mailboxes as early as today, May 5th. That’s exciting news … and I can’t wait to tell you why! What’s Inside? Inside is an exclusive prize-winning opportunity. That’s right. PCH is giving you the chance to become one […]

What To Do If You Get A Secure Pack

If you get a special Secure Pack in the mail from Publishers Clearing House with a web address, ACT FAST! Why? Because it’s a special opportunity to go for $5,000 A Week “FOREVER”! You see, respond to one of these Secure Packs and your prize number will be added to the Winner Selection List […]

What to Do With a Activation Code

Tomorrow, you may receive a Publishers Clearing House Secure Pack in the mail with the URL and an Activation Code. It’s not just any mailing … you could win Fast Cash … here’s what to do! Greetings, PCH Friends! Tomorrow, October 4, 2013, is “World Smile Day.” And have we got a reason for […]