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Article Tags: Big Check

Last Updated: February 25, 2016

Please help me reach my goal of 500 comments today by commenting below – I can’t wait to hear from YOU! Hey Blog Readers, I’ve been getting my corners pressed and my border whitened all month long with anticipation of meeting our $5,000.00 A Week “FOREVER” Prize Winner!  Now, with just one day left, everyone […]

Last Updated: December 4, 2015

Hi everyone, Everyone’s favorite PCH Big Check, Lucky, is back and he’s starring in a brand-new video that’s an absolute must-see! As you know, we’ve had SO many winners over the years, and our Winners Hall of Fame just keeps growing and growing! Well in this video, Lucky fondly looks back on some of his […]

Last Updated: August 19, 2015

Hey Blog Readers — you know what time it is… With just 13 days left until our big $5,000 A Week “Forever” Special Early Look Prize Event, it’s time for us to get our pom-poms out to cheer on Lucky, the PCH Big Check, and tell him where he should stop next! 4-3-2-1 Cheering On Lucky […]

Last Updated: May 27, 2015

At my house we have a new little doggie named Lily, and she is an absolute delight.  She reminds me of that famous quote from Charles Schulz, the creator of the classic comic strip “Peanuts”: “Happiness is a warm puppy.”  Oh so true.  No one can see her or hold her without saying “Aww, how […]

Last Updated: May 12, 2015

Election Day 2016 is still a long way off; but the race for the White House has already begun.  Every day you hear the media and political pundits buzzing about who will run.  As we post this blog some candidates have already thrown their hats in the ring in hopes of capturing their party’s nomination […]

Last Updated: April 29, 2015

Hello, my friends … the exciting day is almost here! Tomorrow, April 30th, the Prize Patrol will wrap me — Lucky, the debonair PCH Big Check — in craft paper and escort me to the home of our newest millionaire! The TV cameras will be rolling to capture the dear winner’s joy at seeing ME […]

Last Updated: February 1, 2015

Whenever the PCH Prize Patrol is in uniform walking through an airport people come running up and say they’d be more than happy to take that Big Check we are carrying off our hands.  “Hey, here I am!” is a constant refrain.  “Doesn’t that have my name on it?” We ask them, “Is your name Wanda?” […]

Last Updated: December 18, 2014

Hi everyone it’s me, Danielle Lam from the PCH Prize Patrol Elite team. A fan recently left a comment on a blog asking what happens after the PCH Prize Patrol delivers a Big Check? Well, I have some experience in that area so I’d love to answer (wink wink). The truth is that it often […]

Last Updated: November 8, 2014

Hi everyone it’s me Danielle Lam with the PCH Prize Patrol Elite team. As you may know, I’m also part of the PCH Video Group where we create the professional quality promotional and educational videos you see across all our sites! Well, hopefully you’ve seen the newest Publishers Clearing House production where Lucky the Big […]

Last Updated: September 30, 2014

Days after being presented with a PCH Big Check for $10,000.00, the reality of winning “still hasn’t sunk in” said Kathy Silliman in a follow-up phone conversation with yours truly, Dave Sayer. “It’s kinda weird,” says Kathy.  She knows that on September 25 the PCH Prize Patrol found her at her hard-to-find home in La […]