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Article Tags: Big Check

Last Updated: August 16, 2012

Long before the airlines started charging fees for baggage other than carry-on’s, we members of the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol traveled as light as possible.  We each brought one bag on board and put it in the overhead compartment — along with a rolled-up Prize Patrol sign for the van.  And that’s the way […]

Last Updated: August 8, 2012

August 2nd 2012 is a day that Tyrone Garvin will never forget.  Tyrone was home during the day, gearing up to go to work for the New York City Transit where he is a train operator when his daughter was at camp.  After a few rings of the doorbell and knocking on the door, we […]

Last Updated: August 6, 2012

Hi fans, it’s me, Lucky Windfall, the famous “Big Check”! Did ya miss me? Well have no fear, I’m back and here to introduce you to someone VERY special. Remember in my last blog I said I hope someone wins the “Forever” Prize because it would make me proud to present the biggest prize in […]

Last Updated: August 3, 2012

People always ask me “What was your favorite ‘winning moment,’ or the funniest, or the weirdest?” Among the hundreds of Prize Patrol trips I’ve made it’s nigh impossible to select one or two stand-out winning moments. I tend to recall the visits that either produced the most dramatic video or the ones when we arrived […]

Last Updated: July 25, 2012

These days, it seems like we’re constantly barraged with a slew of bad news. Turn on the TV, open up a newspaper – you’re almost guaranteed to see a story about greed, illness, and deceit. But don’t let these never-ending negative stories get you too down. I’m here to tell you that there is a […]

Last Updated: July 24, 2012

From the outside it looked like a very quiet house; the blinds were drawn, and the air was still — making the 101 degree heat even more oppressive. But, as the saying goes, “You can’t tell a book from its cover.” Within a moment of our knocking on the door we could hear A LOT […]

Last Updated: July 16, 2012

Hi, everyone, it’s me, Lucky Windfall, aka the “Big Check!” I bet you’re surprised to see me back so soon. Truth is, with the big “Forever” Prize Event just a few weeks away, I’m so excited I could burst! It’s gotten so that I can’t help dreaming about the big day: This August 31st, me […]

Last Updated: July 9, 2012

Hi PCH fans! So, it’s that time again – the PCH TV COMMERCIALS ARE ON THE AIR TODAY! I know many people have a habit of muting commercials – or quickly switching to another channel when they pop up on the television screen – but trust me, these commercials will bring a smile to your […]

Last Updated: June 27, 2012

Hey, it’s me, Lucky Windfall, the famous Big Check from Publishers Clearing House. I know — it’s been a while since I came out of my envelope to write a blog. You have to remember I don’t sit around catching dust —I’m always on the move! Staffers don’t even wait for my ink to dry […]

Last Updated: June 26, 2012

Lots of people talk about having a “bucket list” these days. You know, that list of things they’ve always wanted to do but haven’t done yet? Made famous by the 2007 hit movie “The Bucket List,” it usually includes personal goals and cherished dreams, often put off till “the right time” comes along. You may […]