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Article Tags: Cash sweepstakes

Last Updated: April 2, 2010

Recently, my colleague Frank and I attended an Online Marketing Summit (OMS) in San Diego. Our mission was to learn more about social media, such as blogging, Facebook, MySpace and Twitter, to be able to better serve YOU, our loyal followers, customers, entrants and game players. One major conference theme was “joining the online conversation” […]

Last Updated: March 26, 2010

A fond memory for us is when we surprised $10,000 cash sweepstakes winner Henry Wilson in Sumter, SC a little after 11:00 in the morning this past Veteran’s Day. His entire family was home to welcome us for the prize award because it was a holiday. Henry smiled from ear to ear when we told […]

Last Updated: March 16, 2010

During a recent PCH cash sweepstakes prize winner tour, my PCH Prize Patrol partner, Sally, and I drove 350 miles across the state of Missouri to Kansas City. Along the way we stopped for gas and food at a 1950’s-style truck stop and got the eye from the locals while we hungrily filled up on […]

Last Updated: March 8, 2010

PCH Prize Patrol member Danielle and I landed in Columbus, OH just hours after helping Dave Sayer award Marilyn Ragin her $1 Million SuperPrize. What a difference a few hours of flight time makes! It was 66 degrees and sunny in Miami. Columbus was Miami’s polar opposite: snowy and cold! Despite that, it was great […]

Last Updated: March 5, 2010

After the PCH Prize Patrol surprised Million Dollar SuperPrize Winner Natalie Bostelman at work, her sister-in-law called up to ask if she still wanted pizza for dinner. In an interview featured in, Natalie said even though her sister-in-law thought maybe the new millionaire would want caviar now, she preferred pizza instead! Since that big […]

Last Updated: February 24, 2010

Travel plans have been finalized and the PCH Prize Patrol has been dispatched. They are on a new mission to make a surprise $1 Million SuperPrize award to a new Publishers Clearing House winner. The Prize Patrol van will be full because accompanying the cash sweepstakes prize award team will be our PCH Goodwill Ambassador, […]

Last Updated: February 10, 2010

Gas Tank On Empty, But A Full Tank Of Enthusiasm! You know those cool itineraries you often see in your PCH entry forms where we spell out exactly where the PCH Prize Patrol might stop for gas before making a surprise prize delivery? They really are great tools to help you see where we might […]

Last Updated: January 29, 2010

Across winding roads, over rolling hills and past rows of windmills the PCH Prize Patrol van cruised toward the destination of our next cash sweepstakes winner in Salem, WI. Our first stop was the florist for a dozen roses and assistance with helium balloons for the PCH sweepstakes winning moment. Straight from the very inquisitive […]

Last Updated: January 28, 2010

Our trip to Baraboo included a drive through Madison, Wisconsin where we admired and photographed the impressive state capitol building. Then it was off to the florist in Baraboo where the congenial staff prepared a dozen roses and helium balloons for the surprise winning moment of our new PCH Cash Sweepstakes Prize Winner, Mike Schultz. […]

Last Updated: January 6, 2010

The PCH Prize Patrol arrived at the home of unsuspecting $10,000.00 winner Shirley Redmond at 3:00 pm that afternoon. ABC News 12 in Greenville joined us at Jefferson’s Florist and was on hand to capture the winning moment and interview Shirley about her sweepstakes dream come true. We were a little worried upon arrival since […]