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Article Tags: Cash sweepstakes

Last Updated: December 2, 2010

On the way to surprise PCH Sweepstakes giveaway winner Joe Beane I looked down, and there below me flowed the mighty Mississippi River. Just as the song says: “It just keeps rollin’ along.”

Last Updated: November 22, 2010

A Thanksgiving sweepstakes prize award could start a new holiday tradition at your house. Cash prizes and big sweepstakes awards are being offered by PCH this season. Have you played for your chance to win them?

Last Updated: November 15, 2010

The entry deadline for online sweepstakes entry into the Ultra Combo Prize Event is 11:59 PM on 11/16/10.

Last Updated: October 31, 2010

Halloween Prize Winner Jeff and Jinji welcomed the Prize Patrol into their home, offering us cupcakes and coffee…what a treat!

Last Updated: October 25, 2010

If you think, “I want to win money from PCH,” the most important thing is to enter for your chance to win money.

Last Updated: October 18, 2010

To win this “Spooktakular” $100000 Halloween Treat you must enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes by October 21st.

Last Updated: July 15, 2010

With all the prize giveaways, contests and sweepstakes in the big sweepstakes at PCH, we should fall into a Super Mega category! There are literally dozens of ways to play and win at Publishers Clearing House.

Last Updated: July 9, 2010

Our Sweepstakes Dream theme song is featured this week in our PCH TV ads promoting a $5000 A Week for Life entry opportunity. It’s back by popular demand – do you remember it?

Last Updated: June 14, 2010

How would you like the "Million Dollar Look?" There’s an ad in The New York Times for a Hong Kong clothes-maker who promises a “Million Dollar Look” to the person who buys a “CEO Package” of suits for $1,699 or a “President Package” of apparel for $1,099 or a variety of shirts, slacks and tuxedos […]

Last Updated: April 16, 2010

When the PCH Prize Patrol goes on the road to a surprise a cash prize winner, they usually stop at a local florist to buy a dozen roses before the big winning moment. From time to time in our PCH mailings and PCH online promotions, we tell folks about this, to give them a glimpse […]