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Article Tags: contests and sweepstakes

Last Updated: July 13, 2011

Being a member of the PCH Prize Patrol Elite team gives me the unique opportunity to share my experiences on the road through the PCH Blog and my PCH Facebook page.  On the day of the big PCH Sweepstakes giveaway, I make sure to post clues about where in the country we are and then […]

Last Updated: July 12, 2011

Great things are happening at PCH! So without further delay here’s the scoop… 1. PCH is “Taking Over AOL!” Well, we’re not buying them out or anything like that. We’re launching our most innovative online partnership to date. And, I’m so thrilled that every one of you has a chance to be part of this! […]

Last Updated: July 11, 2011

The $5000 A Week For Life Winner Selection List is the official Publishers Clearing House record of entries that are eligible to win our $5000 A Week For Life SuperPrize on August 31, 2011.

Last Updated: July 8, 2011

If you could win the PCH Sweepstakes and take a vacation for life, where would you go? With $5000 A Week For Life, the possibilities would be endless!

Last Updated: July 7, 2011

PCH honors the people’s choice! “What exactly does that mean,” you ask? Well, I’ll tell you. Recently PCH placed the following question on our Fan page on Facebook: What would be your “feel good” or “pump up” song if you won $5,000.00 Every Week For Life from Publishers Clearing House?  Our loyal Publishers Clearing House […]

Last Updated: July 5, 2011

Seeing the PCH Prize Patrol in person has caused crowds to gather, smiles to form and photos to be snapped.

Last Updated: July 4, 2011

Independence Day is here, the day we celebrate our freedom as a nation — and a day for fireworks, picnics, get-togethers and patriotic fervor. For William Manee of Tennessee, Independence Day 2011 will live in his memory as the day that Publishers Clearing House announced him as the winner of our special Fourth of July […]

Last Updated: July 1, 2011

Our new $5000 A Week For Life TV ad campaign will start on July 6 and the spots will feature the pop music classic “Celebration.”

Last Updated: June 29, 2011

Publishers Clearing House has numbers you can count on! One, two, three…that’s nothing compared to the types of numbers we’re talking about. Really BIG numbers, that’s what we like. How about 500, 1000, 5000? Not big enough, you say? Well, what about 10,000? Now, what if we threw 1,000,000 or 10,000,000 into the mix? Those […]

Last Updated: June 28, 2011

PCHSearchandWin marks its 3rd anniversary this month! Let’s hear it for PCHSearchandWin! Woo! Hoo! But, we couldn’t have made it this far without you – our loyal friends and searchers! Let’s hear it for all of YOU! Yay! Can you believe it’s been three years since PCHSearch&Win had its illustrious internet debut? As they say, […]