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Article Tags: danielle lam

Last Updated: September 28, 2011

At PCH, we know that our fans are curious about our world at PCH headquarters.  Today, you can see what it’s like to work at Publishers Clearing House! Follow me as I take you on a typical day in the life of a PCH employee. Around 9:00, I arrive in Port Washington, NY. One of […]

Last Updated: September 20, 2011

On September 7th the PCH Prize Patrol was on the road to surprise another lucky winner with $10,000.00 – Scott Kent!  This time we were on our way to New Hampshire, a place I personally have never been, so I was very excited. After a smooth flight from New York and an easy time finding […]

Last Updated: September 13, 2011

On August 30th Wanda Bosh went about her day, never expecting that a HUGE surprise from Publishers Clearing House would be waiting at her door. The PCH Prize Patrol stood knocking on Wanda’s front door in Dallas, Texas, saddened when we realized nobody was home. While defaulting to our usual plan B – asking the […]

Last Updated: August 31, 2011

As I walked through the doors at Publishers Clearing House there was a buzz of excitement in the air. I glanced at my phone’s calendar and then it hit me – Today’s the day! The Prize Patrol is out on the road, RIGHT NOW, in hot pursuit of our August 31st SuperPrize Event Winner! On […]

Last Updated: August 25, 2011

You may have heard that the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol likes to keep PCH fans up to date, but did you know that they even keep in touch with fans while on the road?  If you “like” our PCH Fan page, you may have seen that during past giveaways Danielle, Todd, and Dave like […]

Last Updated: July 28, 2011

Being a member of the PCH Prize Patrol Elite team truly is the most exciting and rewarding experience.  My blog followers and PCH Fans on Facebook  always comment on how this must be the best job in the world…and to me, I really believe it is!  What could be better than traveling around the country […]