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Article Tags: dream vacation

Last Updated: May 17, 2019

The warm breeze gently moves across you as you sit in your beach chair, the aromas of sand, salt and maybe a cocktail wafting by… …or is it the majestic site of the Grand Canyon, the immense monument to the power of nature and time overwhelming your vision as you stand, phone in hand ready […]

Last Updated: March 12, 2019

Has anyone ever asked you, “If you could, where would you really, REALLY like to go on vacation?” I’m asking you that because very shortly, someone could win an astonishing $7,000 A Week For Life prize in our “Special Early Look” prize event on April 26th! And if you become the winner, you could make […]

Last Updated: April 10, 2018

Guys, come to think of it, where COULDN’T you travel with a $7,000 weekly “paycheck” from Publishers Clearing House — that you’d receive every single week for life? That’s exactly what you’d get if you won our Special Early Look Prize Event in a couple of weeks … on April 27th. Here are our 7 suggestions […]

Last Updated: March 23, 2017

I mean, SERIOUSLY increased – how does $7,000 A Week sound to you? And what if you GOT that check each and every week — for LIFE? That’s exactly what you would receive in a few weeks if you become the lifetime winner of our April 28th $7,000 A Week For Life Prize Event. Really, […]

Last Updated: February 13, 2017

Imagine for a moment – it’s the first day of your dream vacation and an endless stretch of beach extends to either side of you. Crystal blue water gently laps upon the finely scalloped sand, and the dunes behind you ensure total privacy. Calypso music floats on the breeze. Then, your bikini-clad dream girl emerges […]

Last Updated: December 23, 2016

Top 5 Places To Travel To (If You Win a Travel Sweepstakes) Where would you travel to if money weren’t an issue? This is a question that you have probably posed to yourself or to your loved one a number of times. After all, it’s natural for people to dream about things that they really […]

Last Updated: July 29, 2015

Hello PCH fans! Can you believe that it’s almost August already? This summer is flying by way faster than I would like, and soon we’ll be trading hot and lazy summer days for crisp colors and cooler weather. So folks, it’s time to enjoy the remaining beach and pool days — and time to make […]

Last Updated: January 28, 2015

Greetings, fans and friends! On February 27th our third $5,000.00 a week “Forever” Prize is guaranteed to be awarded – so my advice to you is to enter NOW and every day! Because if you win, not only will you be making trips to the bank, you could travel anywhere you please! Wait … I feel […]

Last Updated: October 24, 2012

Have you entered to win $10,000.00 and Take Your Dream Vacation? Hello all! If you follow me on Facebook, you probably noticed that I was “off the grid” for about a week. It was time to unplug and get some R & R. Recently, my husband and I took some well deserved time off to […]