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Article Tags: Giveaway

Last Updated: October 24, 2014

The most exciting part of our business is being able to give away millions in prize money to folks like you who really want to win. We’re always getting questions about our giveaways, and one that seems to keep coming up is: What is a Giveaway number? Well it’s pretty simple really.  Since PCH awards […]

Last Updated: December 30, 2011

A common sweepstakes winner questionnaire response is: “This Can’t Be Happening To Me!”

Last Updated: December 16, 2011

The first PCH win for life winner said “Life is Good” when we checked with her 2 1/2 years later.

Last Updated: November 1, 2011

Apple pie recipes don’t stand a chance against our online sweepstakes recipe!

Last Updated: October 21, 2011

Do you know how to win a ton of money? It’s possible and easy with an online entry at!

Last Updated: August 31, 2011

As I walked through the doors at Publishers Clearing House there was a buzz of excitement in the air. I glanced at my phone’s calendar and then it hit me – Today’s the day! The Prize Patrol is out on the road, RIGHT NOW, in hot pursuit of our August 31st SuperPrize Event Winner! On […]

Last Updated: August 30, 2011

Does Dave Sayer wear lucky socks the day he awards a millionaire-making SuperPrize®? How does Todd Sloane mentally prepare for answering the questions of TV reporters? What’s Danielle Lam’s biggest “winning moment” worry? For the first time ever, the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol will be answering your questions on the PCH Fan Page this […]

Last Updated: August 29, 2011

Million Dollar Winner Stephanie Gornichec and her husband Shaun were surprised by the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol with a life-changing SuperPrize two years ago this month.

Last Updated: August 26, 2011

Got bills? Who doesn’t! But isn’t it time you turned them into the good ones ­– dollar bills!

Last Updated: August 22, 2011

The online entry deadline is today for fast (and welcome) economic relief!