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Article Tags: Inside PCH

Last Updated: July 20, 2018

Meet our amazing Spin Doctor, Erica! She has one of the coolest jobs around! Every Monday on our Facebook fan page, Erica gets to tell PCH fans – like you – about the fantastic ways you could win bonus prizes on our live show, Inside PCH! Yep, every week on Inside PCH, Erica announces a […]

Last Updated: June 11, 2018

It’s almost summer, and what better way to celebrate the great weather than to also celebrate some winning on today’s episode of Inside PCH! Inside PCH is our weekly live show on Facebook where we give you behind-the-scenes access to Publishers Clearing House! Your hosts are Prize Patrol members Danielle and Howie, and they love […]

Last Updated: May 25, 2018

Many of you probably saw the first installation of “A Day in The Life”, where my fellow colleague, Debbie K., told you all about a day in HER life! Well, as a second installment, we decided to see what a day in the life of cool-dude Prize Patroller, Howie Guja, is like! You’ve seen him […]

Last Updated: March 12, 2018

It’s another Monday, and it’s another LIVE episode of Inside PCH! At Publishers Clearing House you know that we give away a lot of GREEN all the time, but to commemorate the upcoming St. Patrick’s Day holiday, we’re going to DOUBLE DOWN with some information on more of our winning opportunities! To loop you in […]

Last Updated: December 11, 2017

It’s Monday, and that means it’s time for another LIVE edition of Inside PCH! Inside PCH is our very own talk show that airs LIVE every Monday at 2pm EST! Since so much happens on a weekly basis, we thought we’d go out of our way to share with you all the exciting things we have […]

Last Updated: November 20, 2017

Today is a pretty awesome day, PCH fans! Can you guess why? TODAY is the first day that Inside PCH is on a Monday instead of a Tuesday! Yup, you read that clearly…. from today on out, our awesome LIVE talk show Inside PCH with Howie and Danielle will be LIVE every Monday at 2PM EST! […]

Last Updated: November 10, 2017

There I was, on assignment for Inside PCH, traveling the Atlantic Ocean to Connecticut for my first “Where Are They Now?” video interview with SuperPrize winner Penny Pompa! I get off the ship, and suddenly my GPS stopped working. Oh no! How was I going to find her house? Would I be late for the […]

Last Updated: October 17, 2017

Have you heard about our new Internet show, Inside PCH? It airs LIVE on Facebook each and every Tuesday at 2pm EST on the Publishers Clearing House Facebook fan page! It’s a whole new winning experience packed with everything our PCH fans love! From winning moments to unique prize opportunities and behind the scenes at […]

Last Updated: September 26, 2017

Hey Blog Readers, I’m happy to report that the PCH Give Back is in full swing and today, your views of Inside PCH can help us reach our goal for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital®! Over the past week or so, we’ve been doing our best to try to spread the word about The Give Back […]

Last Updated: August 16, 2017

I just watched the latest episode of “Inside PCH” live on Facebook, and what fun it was!  For understandable reasons I love seeing my Prize Patrol colleagues Danielle and Howie “on the air” talking about all the adventures and goings-on at Publishers Clearing House — the great company I’ve been associated with for 36 years! […]